From the Calendar--March 14, 1926 Volume 19

I continue to dissolve myself in the Holy Divine Will. I would like to embrace everything and everyone, to be able to bring everything to my God as my own things, given to me by Him as gifts, in order to give Him, for each created thing, a little word of love, a ‘thank You,’ an ‘I bless You,’ an ‘I adore You.’ And my always lovable Jesus came out from within my interior, and with His Omnipotent Fiat, He called the whole Creation in order to place It on my lap, to give It to me as a gift; and with tenderness, all of love, He told me: “My daughter, all is yours. For one who must live in My Will, everything which came out of My Will, and which My Will preserves and possesses, must be fully hers by right.

“Now, it was My Omnipotent Fiat that extended the heavens and studded them with stars; My Fiat called the light to life and created the sun, as well as all the other created things; and My Fiat remained inside the Creation as triumphant, dominating and preserving life. Now, one who has won the Divine Will has won the whole Creation, and even God Himself; therefore, by right of justice, she must possess all that My Will possesses. More so, since the Creation is mute for Its Creator; and I made It mute because the one to whom I was to give It and who was to live in My Will, would, herself, have speech in all created things, so that all things made by Me might be speaking, not mute. So, you will be the voice of the heavens; and echoing from one point to another, it will make your word heard, which, resounding through the whole celestial atmosphere, will say: ‘I love, I glorify, I adore my Creator...’. You will be the voice of each star, of the sun, of the wind, of the thunder, of the sea, of plants, of mountains – of everything, repeating continuously: ‘I love, I bless, I glorify, I adore, I thank the One who created us... .’ Oh, how beautiful will be the voice of My newborn of My Will — of the little daughter of My Volition — in all things! It will render the whole Creation speaking, and Creation will be more beautiful than if I had given It the use of the word. I love you so much that I want to hear your voice in the sun – loving, adoring, glorifying. I want to hear it in the celestial spheres, in the murmuring of the sea, in the darting of the fish, in the bird that sings and warbles, in the lamb that bleats, the turtledove that moans... I want to hear you everywhere. I would not be content if, in all created things, in which My Will has first place, I did not hear the voice of My little newborn who, rendering the whole Creation speaking, gives Me love for love, glory and adoration for each thing created by Me. Therefore, My daughter, be attentive; I have given you much, and much do I want. Your mission is great: it is the life of My Will that must be carried out in you, which embraces everything and possesses everything.”