Continuing in my usual state, my adorable Jesus continued to show Himself inside me, in such a way that I possessed all His limbs. He looked so content that, appearing unable to contain this joy, He told me: "My daughter, one who does My Will takes part in the actions ‘ad intra’ of the Divine Persons. This privilege is reserved only to one who does My Volition: to take part not only in all of our works ‘ad extra’ but to pass from these to the works ‘ad intra’.
“This is why it is hard for Me not to content one who lives in My Volition: being in My Will, the soul is in the intimate part of Our Heart, of Our desires, of Our affections and thoughts. Her heartbeat, her breath and Ours are one. Therefore, the joys, the pleasures, the Glory and the Love that she gives Us are many and great — infinite in their way and nature, and in no way dissimilar to Ours, because they are Our own. Just as in Our eternal Love, One enraptures the Other, One forms the Joy of the Other, to the extent that, many times, unable to contain this Love and these joys We come out with works ‘ad extra;’ in the same way, We remain enraptured and delighted by this soul who does Our Will. Therefore, how could We render unhappy the one who makes Us so happy? How not love just as We love Ourselves — not as We love the other creatures — the one who loves Us with Our same Love?
“There are no curtains of secrets with this soul. Between Us and her there is no Ours and hers – everything is in common. We make of the soul, by grace, that which We are by nature — impeccable, etc. — so that no disparity may exist between us. And as We come out with works ‘ad extra’ — being unable to contain Our Love — in the same way, unable to contain the love of the soul who does Our Will, We make her come out from Ourselves, pointing her out to the people as Our favorite one - Our beloved. Only for her and for souls similar to her, do We let goods descend upon earth, and only for love of these souls do We preserve the earth. Then, We enclose this soul within Ourselves in order to enjoy her, because just as We, the Divine Persons, are inseparable, the soul who does Our Will becomes inseparable from Us."