I was fusing myself in the immense sea of the Divine Volition, and my sweet Jesus came out from within my interior in the act of blessing me. Then, after He blessed me, He surrounded my neck with His arms and said to me: “My daughter, I bless your heart, your heartbeats, your affections, your words, your thoughts, and even your tiniest movement, so that, through My blessing, all of them may be invested by a divine virtue; in such a way that, on entering My Will, by virtue of My blessing, they may bring this divine virtue with them, and may have the power to diffuse in all, to give themselves to all, and to multiply Me for each one, so as to give Me the love and the glory as if all had My Life within them. Therefore, enter into My Will, penetrate between Heaven and earth, go through everyone. My Will is most pure light, and this light contains the all-seeingness—the passport to be able enter the most intimate hiding places, the most secret fibers, the abyss of depths and the space of the highest heights. This passport has no need of signature in order to be valid, but contains this very power within itself, because, since it is light which descends from up high, no one can prevent its step and its entrance. And besides, it is king of everything and it holds dominion everywhere. Therefore, place your thoughts, your words, your heartbeats, your pains—your whole being, in circulation within My Will; leave nothing inside yourself, so that with the passport of the light of My Will and with My divine virtue, you may enter into each act of creature and may multiply My Life in each one of them. Oh! how happy I will be in seeing that, by virtue of My Will, the creature fills Heaven and earth with as many Lives of Mine for as many existing creatures.”