Then, with a more tender tone, He [Jesus] added: “My daughter, the world is as though burned—there is no one who pours upon them the pure water that can quench their thirst; and if they drink at all, it is the cloudy water of their will, that burns them even more. Even the good—the children of My Church who try to do good—after doing good do not feel the happiness of that good, but rather, the weight of the good that brings them sadness and tiredness.
“Do you know why? Because in that very good the life of My Fiat is missing, that contains the Divine Strength that takes any tiredness away; the light and the heat of My Will are missing, that have the virtue of emptying any weight and of sweetening all bitternesses; the beneficial dew of My Fiat is missing, that pearls the actions of creatures, and makes them appear so beautiful as to bring them the life of happiness; the ever springing water of My Will is missing, that, while fecundating in a Divine manner, gives life and quenches their thirst. This is why they drink, but they burn more. See then, how necessary it is that Its knowledges be known and make their way into the midst of creatures, so as to offer to each one the life of My Will, with the fount of the goods It contains.
“All, even those who are said to be more good, feel that something necessary is missing in them; they feel that their works are not complete, and everyone longs for some other good, but they themselves do not know what it is. It is the fullness and the totality of My Divine Fiat that is missing in their acts, and therefore their works are as though halved, because only with My Will and in My Will can complete works be done. Therefore, It yearns to be known in order to bring Its life and fulfillment to the works of Its creatures; more so, since I am preparing great events—sorrowful and prosperous, chastisements and graces, unforeseen and unexpected wars—everything in order to dispose them to receive the good of the knowledges of My Fiat. And if they let them sleep without flinging them into the midst of creatures, they will render the events that I am preparing fruitless. What an account will they not have to give Me?
“With these knowledges I am preparing the renewal and the restoration of the human family. Therefore, on your part, do not place any obstacle and continue to pray that the Kingdom of My Divine Will may come soon.”