From the Calendar--March 25, 1928 Volume 24

After this, my sweet Jesus made Himself seen with many rays of light coming out from within His Divine Heart; each knowledge about the Divine Will was impressed at the point from which the rays started, in such a way as to form the most beautiful crown of light around that Divine Heart.

And my Beloved Jesus added: “My daughter, look what a beautiful crown of glory and of light My Divine Heart possesses. A more beautiful and refulgent crown It could not possess. These rays are all the knowledges about My Will; however, these rays are hampered—they cannot extend, because Its knowledges are not known, therefore they cannot extend and expand so as to fill the whole earth with light.

“It happens as it would to the sun if its rays, that start from the center of its sphere, were forced to remain in the air, without being able to extend so as to touch the earth and invest it with its light and heat. Unable to extend its rays, the sun would not be able to give the effects that its light contains, nor could the earth receive them. There would be a certain distance between the earth and the light of the sun, and this distance would prevent the sun from doing good to the earth, and the earth would be sterile and infertile.

“Such are the knowledges about My Fiat: if they are not made known, Its rays cannot extend and take souls as though in their hands, so as to warm them, remove from them the torpor of the human will, mold them anew, transform them again in the life that My Fiat wants to infuse in them; because these knowledges are, and contain, the new creation of transforming the creature as he came out of Our creative hands.”