From the Calendar--March 6, 1938 Volume 35

[Jesus speaking] “How bad it sounds to Us when We notice that a creature in Our Will is afflicted or oppressed! And since she Lives in Our Volition, from the one Will that animates Us, We are forced to hear her afflictions and oppressions. Setting Ourselves aside when the creature feels afflicted is not of Our Divine Being—not of Our Love. Rather, We make use of Our Power, and We inundate her more with Our Love, so that We may see her again with a smile on her lips, and with Joy inside her heart. And then, the thought of the past is really absurd—it is like wanting to claim Divine Rights. You must know that all the beautiful and good things that the creature has done are deposited inside Ourselves, attesting to her love and the glory she gives Us, and forming her crown for her first entrance into Our Celestial Fatherland. Therefore, the most Beautiful act of the creature is to throw herself into Our Arms—abandon herself— letting Us make whatever We want to make of her, in time as well as in Eternity. Only then, do We get all the savor of making her one of the most Beautiful statues to adorn Our Celestial Jerusalem.”

Then He added: “My daughter, when the creature abandons herself in Our Will, Our Satisfaction is so great that she pours into Us, and We pour into her, giving her Our New Life, New Love, New Sanctity and New Knowledge of Our Supreme Being. When the creature abandons herself in Our Divine Volition, We can make the Greatest Prodigies and the most surprising Graces in her, since Our own Will will receive and deposit what We want to give to the creature. By abandoning herself in Our Will, she storms Heaven, and her empire is such that she imposes herself over Our Divine Being, enclosing It within her littleness; while she, triumphant, encloses herself within Our Divine Womb.

“The Heavens are amazed, and the Angels and the Saints remain ecstatic; all feel a New Life flowing within themselves, by virtue of the act of abandonment of the creature, while still a pilgrim. And finding her abandoned in Our Fiat, We find that We can do whatever We want—she lends herself completely to Our Power. So We begin the Work, and form in the soul many little fountains of Love, Goodness, Sanctity, Mercy, and so on. In this way, when Our Love wants to Love, We set those little fountains of Love in motion with Our Omnipotent Breath, and she Loves Us, letting so much Love overflow from the fount, as to float the entire Celestial Court. When We want to use Goodness, Mercy or Grace, We set these founts in motion, and the earth remains floated by Our Goodness and Mercy - and some are converted, some receive Graces.... “