From the Calendar--March 9, 1926 Volume 19

My poor mind was swimming in the endless sea of the Divine Volition, and my always lovable Jesus made me see the whole Creation in act.  What order, what harmony, how many different beauties!  Each thing carried the seal of an uncreated love that ran toward creatures, and in descending into the depth of each heart, all things cried out in their mute language:  “Love—love the One who so much loves you!”  I felt a sweet enchantment in seeing the whole Creation.  Its loving muteness, more than powerful voice, wounded my poor heart, to the point that I felt faint.  And my sweet Jesus, sustaining me in His arms, told me:  “My daughter, all Creation says:  ‘Glory and adoration to our Creator—love to creatures!”  So, Creation is a mute glory and adoration for Us, because no freedom was conceded to It—either to grow, or to decrease.  We issued It from Ourselves, but We kept It within Us—that is, in Our Will—to sing, though mute, the praises of Our power, beauty, magnificence and glory.  So, We Ourselves sing the praises of Our own power, of Our glory, of Our infinite love, power, goodness, harmony and beauty.  Creation gives Us nothing by Itself; although, being the outpouring of all Our Divine Being, It serves man as mirror in order to look at and to know his Creator, and It gives to him sublime lessons of order, of harmonies, of sanctity and of love.  One can say that the Creator Himself, assuming the attitude of Divine Master, gives as many lessons for as many things as He created—from the greatest to the littlest work which came out of His creative hands.”