But while I felt under these waves, my sweet Jesus, visiting my little soul, all Goodness told me: “My blessed daughter, to go around in Our Acts that We have done, as much in Creation as in Redemption, for Love of the creatures, makes New Love rise from within Our Divine Being, and invests she who unites herself with Our Divine Acts. She, by uniting herself with Our Works, prepares the little place for where to receive Our waves of Love. And as she receives them, she also Loves Us with New Love, and forms her waves of Love for her Creator, in a way that she has her little place of Love in Our Divine Being, and We have Our Place in the creature.
“You must know that True Sanctity is formed by the degrees of Love with which you have been Loved by God, and this Love the creature then takes possession of when she loves. When she receives His Divine Love and she loves, God disposes Himself to Love her with even more New Love. To be Loved by God with New Love is the Greatest Act that God does toward the creature. And all the Sanctity, the Glory, is formed however many times she has been Loved by God, and however many times she has Loved Him. Therefore you must know that Our Supreme Being Loves everyone, and always in a Universal and general Way. To this is added a Special and direct Love toward the one who, loving Us, gives Us her love. So, if the creature has been Loved by God with Special Love one time, three, ten, a hundred, according to the number, she acquires so many degrees of Sanctity, and therefore of Glory.
“See, therefore, going around in My Will, uniting yourself to Its Acts, calls Us to Love you with Special and New Love, and God calls you in order to make Himself Loved with your New and Special Love, and God Himself will be your witness who will say to all, to Heaven and to earth: ‘It is true, I have Loved, but she has Loved Me.’ I can say that My Love called hers, and hers called Mine, to Love each other. Therefore one who Lives in Our Will places Our Love in safety, nor do We have the Sorrow that there can be rejection. Rather as a sign that she has received It, she responds to Us by giving Us her Love.”