From the Calendar--May 16, 1929 Volume 26

Then, with a more tender emphasis, He [Jesus] added:  “My daughter, if you knew the ardor of My love that I feel, because I want to establish the Kingdom of My Divine Will upon earth, so as to realize the only purpose for which man was created.  In fact, in everything that has been done by the Divine Persons, from the time when the world was created, and in what We will do, Our principle will always be that one, nor will We ever cease it:  that man return into the inheritance of the Kingdom of Our Fiat, which he rejected from Us.  This is so true, that in My very Incarnation, when I descended from Heaven to earth, the first purpose was the Kingdom of My Divine Will; it is into Its Kingdom—that is, in My Immaculate Mother who possessed It—that I directed My first steps; My first dwelling was within Her most pure womb, in which My Fiat held Its absolute dominion and Its Kingdom, whole and beautiful.  And in this Kingdom of My Will which My Celestial Mama possessed, I began and I formed My life down here—made of pains, of tears and of expiations.  I knew that I was to be the Jesus neglected, unloved, nor sought for, but I wanted to come because I could see through the centuries how My coming upon earth was to serve to form the Kingdom of My Divine Will and, by necessity, I was to redeem them first in order to obtain My first purpose.  And so, even from that time, I descended from Heaven in order to come to find, to search for and to clasp to My breast the children of My Kingdom, who would search for Me, love Me, recognize Me, to the point of being unable to be without Me.  Therefore, in what I did and suffered, I put a mark and I said:  ‘Here I shall wait for the children of My Will; I shall embrace them, we shall love one another with one single love, with one single Will.’  And for love of them, My pains, My tears, My steps, My works, changed for Me into refreshment, into joy for My Heart drowned with love.

“My daughter, don’t you yourself feel how you cannot be without Me?  And when, in the world, they will read these papers, they will remain astounded in hearing of the long chain of My graces, My daily comings—and for such a long time, which I have done with no one else; My long conversations which I have had with you, the many teachings I have given you, and everything that was to serve the Kingdom of My Divine Will.  I felt the irresistible need to resume and redo with you all the conversations, to give you the graces and the teachings which I would have given to Adam innocent, had he not rejected the precious inheritance of My Fiat.  But he broke My speaking and reduced Me to silence; and after six thousand years of silence I felt the extreme need to resume My speaking with the creature.  Oh! how painful it was to contain so many secrets within My Heart, which I was to confide to her; and it was for her alone that these secrets were kept—not for others; and if you knew how much it cost Me to remain silent for such a long time!  My Heart was suffocated and, delirious, It repeated dolefully:  ‘Alas! I created man to have someone with whom to speak; but he was to possess My Divine Will in order to understand Me; and because he has rejected It from Me, he has rendered Me the God taciturn.  What sorrow I feel!’  What suffocated love, which made Me faint—and I raved!

“Therefore, unable to endure any longer, I wanted to break My long silence with you—I snapped it; and from here the necessity of the ardor of My speaking—for so long, and so often, and repeatedly.  And as I pour Myself out with you in speaking, I feel as if I were just now giving start to Creation; and this is why, in these papers, I am making you write the true reason for Creation, what My Will is, Its infinite value, how one is to live in It, Its Kingdom, and how It wants to reign to render everyone holy and happy.  All will remain surprised in reading these papers, and will feel the need for My Fiat to live in their midst.  The Divinity feels an irresistible necessity to complete the work of Creation, and It will be completed by the reigning of Our Divine Will in the midst of creatures.  What would a creature do, after she has made a work with unheard-of sacrifices and for a long time—a work which costs her her life, a work of incalculable value, and which only lacked one point, one shade, one color—if she cannot complete the work that costs her so much?  And as beautiful as her work is, as precious and of incalculable value as it is, such that it would form her fortune, her glory and her complete happiness, she cannot present it to the public, nor can she say that it is a complete work, because one point is missing.  For this person life would change into sorrow, and she would feel the weight of her work—beautiful, yes, but incomplete.  And therefore she feels unhappy, and instead of glory, she feels humiliation; and how many sacrifices would she not make?  She would lay down her life in order to place that point, so as to make her work complete.

“Such is the state We are in; nothing is lacking to Our work of Creation—heavens, suns, works and magnificence of every kind; but one point is missing—yet a point which disfigures a work so beautiful.  This point is the most important; it is the most beautiful shade, it is the most vivid color that is missing in the Creation:  everyone and everything lives in My Fiat, but one point of It—that is, the human family—is outside of It, outside of My Kingdom, and it lives unhappy.  What sorrow!  There is room for everyone in My Volition, and yet, there are some who live outside.  Oh! how they disfigure It and render It incomplete.  And what would We not do to see It complete?  Any sacrifice, My daughter; We are willing to do anything.  I have already laid down My Life in the Redemption to place this point in the creative work.  And when they come to know what Will of God means, the great good It can do, and how the only thing that most interests Us is to place the rights of Our Divine Fiat in safety and to make It reign, so as to see everyone happy in Our Will, of Our own happiness—they will no longer be surprised in reading, in these papers, the great things I have told you and I have done in your soul.  On the contrary, they will say:  ‘For a Will so holy, which has done everything, it was right that there be such a display of graces and so many sublime teachings in the one in whom It was to make the first deposit of Its Kingdom, so as to make us comprehend It, love It and long for It.’  Therefore, be attentive, because this is about giving a Divine Will Its rights, so as to render the work of Creation complete.”