Now, my dear Jesus, repeating His short little visit, all Goodness said: “My daughter, everything came out of Ourselves and was shaped by Our Creative Hands: both the soul and the body. Both of them must be Ours. In fact, We made the body as the organ, and each act done in the Divine Will was to form one key. It had to contain many notes and concerts of Music, all different from one another. The soul, in union with the body, was supposed to be voice and song. By playing those keys, it was to create the most beautiful melodies. Now, an organ without a player is like a dead body; it's not fun, neither does it attract anyone. On the other hand, one who is good at music cannot exercise his art as a musician, if he doesn't have an instrument to play. Therefore, a living someone who speaks and moves is needed to create beautiful music; but the instrument is necessary too, with its keys, notes and so on. Both of them are necessary.
“Such are the soul and the body. There's such harmony, Order and Union, that one cannot do without the other. So, be attentive. I watch your steps, your words, the movements of your pupils, your tiniest acts, in order for My Will to have Its Life—Its Place. We don't care whether the act is natural or spiritual, big or small; but We watch attentively to see whether all is Ours; whether Our Will made arise Its Sun of Light, Sanctity and Love. We use even the most insignificant act to make the most Prodigious Wonders, forming the most Beautiful scenes to keep Us all amused. Didn't We form the Marvelous Enchantment of the whole Creation from nothing? Wasn't it from nothing that We Created so many harmonies up to Our very Image, in the Creation of Man? My daughter, if Creation had to give Us only what is spiritual, that would have been very little. Instead, by giving Us also its natural acts, it can always give. We can be in continuous relation and Our bond never breaks; more so, since the small things (breathing, moving, helping oneself in little personal things), are always available and within reach; available for the little and the great, for the ignorant and the learned and they never end. If these little things are done to love Us they form in themselves the Life of the Divine Will; Our Victory and Triumph: the Ultimate Purpose of their Creation. See, then, how easy it is to Live in Our Will? The creature doesn't have to do New Things, but just what she always does; that is to say, to live her life as We gave it, but in Our Will.”