From the Calendar--May 23, 1937 Volume 34

So I continued to think about the Divine Will, and my sweet Jesus added: “My daughter, as the creature calls My Will into her acts in order to Live in It, It Invests the creature and her act with Its Creative Strength, and Renews Its Divine Life. And suppose that she calls It while she is operating, listen to what My Volition does: It calls in act however many times she has operated, It unites them together as if they were one Act alone, and placing Its Creative Strength It Transforms into Divine everything that she has done and is doing; It Seals there the Sanctity of Its Works and gives her New Merit and Glory as if It would have Operated everything again for Love of her. If she Loves, It calls to Life however many times she has Loved and makes of it one Love alone, if she suffers, It calls to Life however many times she has suffered, It unites them together and places there the Seal of the Divine Sufferings, and gives her the New Merit for however many times she has Loved and suffered.

“In sum, everything that she has done and repeated, everything returns in act by uniting themselves together in order to receive the New Beauty, Sanctity, Grace, Freshness, Love, and New Merit. In My Will there are no separated, nor divided, acts, but Highest Unity. Everything must give of Me, with this difference only—that in the creature there is Our Creating and Growing Act, while Our Supreme Being is not subject to either increasing or decreasing. So much is Our Fullness, Immensity, and Infinity, that in order to vent Our Love We feel the need of giving and of Loving creatures, and of being Loved, but without diminishing in anything.

“This is why We are all eyes, We are as on guard in order to see when she wants to Live in Our Volition so as to have the occasion of Loving her even more, and enriching her with Our Love, in order to receive Love. We can say that We cover her with Our Divine Being, We harmonize her with Us in order to enjoy Ourselves with her and to give her of Ours. And when she, shaken by the fever of Our Love, by Our burning Breath that continuously tells her: ‘I Love you, I Love you O daughter,’ and she makes Our Echo hers and repeats to Us: ‘I love You, I love You Life of my life, Love of my love, my Father, my Creator, my All, I love You,’ she places Us in feast and gives Us the Pure Joys that We want because We have given her Life. Therefore, We want her in Our Will so as to have her as We want her in order to give her what We want to give to her, and in order to receive what We want from her. Outside of Our Fiat, Our Love for her remains hindered. There is such separation between her and Us, that she arrives at feeling herself far from Us, and We far from her, and she arrives at fearing Us, and being afraid of Us—human will, where it casts the creature—whom I Love so much—from Me.”