I was doing the offering of my work, saying: “Jesus, My Love, I want Your hands in mine, in order to give to our Celestial Father that love and that glory which You, individually, gave Him with Your works while being on earth. Not only this, but I want to unite myself with You when You, Word of the Father, even from eternity operated together with Him with His very works, loving with reciprocal love and with perfect equality; and I want to glorify You with that same glory with which You glorified Yourselves among the Three Divine Persons. But I am not content; I want to place my hands in Yours in order to flow together with your hands, in Your own Will, within the sun, to give You the glory of the light, of the heat, of the fecundity of the sun; in the sea, to give You the glory of its waves, of its continuous murmuring; in the air, to give You the glory of the singing of the birds; in the azure heavens, to give You the glory of their immensity. And in the twinkling of the stars, in their flickering, I make my voice flow, saying to You: ‘I love You.’ I want to flow in the flowery fields, to give You the glory and the adoration of their fragrances. There is not one point in which I do not want to be present, so that everywhere You may feel Your little daughter, adoring You, loving You and glorifying You.”