From the Calendar--May 25, 1933 Volume 32

I am always surrounded by the Supreme Fiat, Its sweet Empire, Its Powerful Attractions, Its Kiss of Light, with which It encounters all my acts in order to deposit Itself in them and enclose Itself within so as to form Its Life, is the sweetest Enchantment to my little soul. And between marvel and amazement I exclaim: “O! Divine Will, how much You Love me, even to abasing Yourself in my little act, in order to enclose Your Operating Life there.”

But while my mind was lost in It, my sweet Jesus, who also enjoyed the charm, the admirable Ways of His Volition, all Tenderness and Goodness told me: “Dearest daughter of My Divine Will, My Divine Volition is by Itself a continuous Miracle. To descend into the baseness of the act of the creature in order to form Its Act, Its Life, there, is the Greatest of Miracles that has been given to no one to be able to do. Its Investing Virtue penetrates everywhere, with Its Kiss of Light It enraptures the act of the creature, It moves it, It Transforms it, It conforms it, and with Its Miraculous Virtue It forms there Its Act in that act of the creature, and without destroying that of the creature. Rather It makes use of it as space so as to implant Its Act there, and it serves as void for It, as to form Its Life there, so much so that from the outside one sees the human act, from the inside one sees the Marvels, the Sanctity, the Great Miracle of the Divine Act.

“Therefore, one who does My Will and Lives in It, does not need to do miracles. She Lives under the rain of the Miracles of My Volition, and she possesses in herself the Fount, the Source, that Transforms the creature into the Miraculous Virtue of My Divine Will in a way that one sees in her the Miracle of Invincible Patience, the Miracle of Perennial Love toward God, the Miracle of continuous Prayer without ever tiring. And if they see pains, they are Miracles of Conquests, of Triumphs, of Glory that she encloses in her pains. For one who Lives in My Will, It wants to give to the soul the Miracle of Divine Heroism, and in the pains It places the Infinite weight and value; it places the Imprint, the Seal of the Pains of your Jesus. …”