I feel the need to enclose myself inside the Divine Volition to continue my life in It. Oh!, how I would love to be imprisoned in Its light, so that I could neither see nor hear anything else but what regards Its Will. Then my beloved Jesus, coming back to visit my poor soul, all love told me: “My blessed daughter, I want you here, imprisoned in My Will, so that no other things can have life in you. Now, you must know that all the harmony of the creature is in the repetition of her good acts done in My Will. A single act does not form any harmony or beauty, but many continuous acts united together call the attention of God, Who puts Himself in waiting for the acts of the creature. As she performs them, He communicates to her, now beauty, now sanctity, now goodness, wisdom or love. In sum, He provides her with His ornaments and divine qualities. All the acts repeated by the creature form the strength of her soul, binding God even more to herself. They form Heaven in the depth of the soul and as she goes on repeating her acts, some are turned into star, others into wind blowing whispers of love, others become a sea continuously murmuring love, glory, adoration to God the Creator. In sum, the whole atmosphere is reproduced in her. However, when the acts are not continuously repeated, they lack that unifying power that gives strength to all; they lack that divine mode of acting unceasingly, sustaining each of them with creative strength in perennial attitude of doing and redoing again.
“Furthermore, a single act has never formed any sanctity because it has no strength; it does not possess the life of love, since true love never says ‘enough’ — never stops — and if it does, it’s dead. Only continuously repeated acts can send good surprises to Heaven where, as one arriving act is being enjoyed, another one follows and more and more arrive forming the enchantment for the Heavenly Fatherland. Therefore, in My Will there is always something to do and time can’t be wasted.”