From the Calendar--May 3, 1926 Volume 19

I was about to fuse myself in the Holy Divine Volition according to my usual way, and I said:  “Supreme Majesty, I come in the name of all, from the first to the last man which will exist on earth, to give You all the homages, the adorations, the praises, the love that each creature owes You, and to make all reparations, for all and for each sin.”  Now, while I was saying this, my lovable Jesus moved in my interior and told me:  “My daughter, this way of praying is only of My Will, because It alone can say:  ‘I come in the name of all before the Supreme Majesty.’  In fact, with Its all-seeingness and immensity, It sees everything and embraces everyone; so It can say—not as a manner of speaking, but in reality:  ‘I come in the name of all, to do for You all that the creatures owe You.’  No human will can say—in reality:  ‘I come in the name of all.’  This is the sign that My Will reigns in you.”