… Then, I continued on with my round, and I kept placing my Divine Fiat, not only in all Creation, but also in all the acts done by Adam in his state of innocence, in those done by the Virgin Queen, as well as in those done by Our Lord, sending them like an ordered army around the Divinity, to ask for Its Kingdom.
And Jesus added: “My daughter, Heaven and earth are praying. All of My Acts, those of the Sovereign Queen as well as those of innocent Adam, that were all invested by My Divine Fiat—they all have one voice that, resounding among them as a most sweet and strong echo, asks: ‘Your Kingdom come.’
“My daughter, in creating man, I acted like a most rich father who, having had his child born to the light, would want to amuse himself with his little one by giving him all his riches; and he says to him continuously: ‘Son, take whatever you want and as much as you can.’ The little one fills his pockets and his little hands, but so much that, as he is unable to contain them, they flow down to the ground; and the father, inciting him, says: ‘Is this all you have taken? Come, take some more—take everything.’ The child sees himself hampered; bravely he returns to take, but his capacity can take nothing else, and the father smiles and amuses himself with his little one.
“So I did with man: I gave him all My riches as gift, and he, like a little child, was incapable of taking them all; and playing with him, I would say to him: ‘Take—take, My son. Take much—take everything if you can; the more you take, the more I will enjoy and make feast.’
“Am I not doing this with you, to the point of wanting to give you the Kingdom of My Divine Will? This is why I make you go around in the whole Creation, in the works of My Redemption, nor do I deprive you of the dominions of the Sovereign Queen of Heaven. And while you go around through Our works and dominions, I keep whispering to your ear: ‘Take whatever you want, My little daughter.’ And to give you the right to it, I have you mark all of Our works and Our dominions with your ‘I love You’; and in this ‘I love You’ of yours that repeats its refrain, ‘Give me Your Divine Fiat,’ it seems that ‘Fiat’ and ‘I love You’ are braided together. And I, knowing that what you want and ask for is the greatest thing, and a Divine Kingdom in which, not only you, but all those who will be in this Kingdom, may all be kings and queens.... “