From the Calendar--May 30, 1932 Volume 30

After this, the crowd of my thoughts on the Divine Will went on; and since I had received Holy Communion, I thought to myself:  “What difference is there between the Sacraments and the Divine Will?”  And my Sovereign Jesus, breaking His Eucharistic veils, made Himself seen, and heaving a sorrowful sigh, told me:  “My blessed daughter, the difference between one and the other is great.  The Sacraments are effects of My Will; while My Will is life, and, as life, with Its creative power It forms and gives life to the Sacraments.  The Sacraments do not have the virtue of giving life to My Will, because My Will is eternal, nor does It have a beginning or an end.  On the other hand, My adorable Will occupies always the first place in all things, and possessing the creative virtue by Its own nature, It creates things and Its very life wherever It wants, when It wants and the way It wants.  It can be said that the difference is like a simile between the sun and the effects that the sun produces:  these do not give life to the sun, but receive the life of the sun and must remain at its disposal, because the life of the effects is produced by the sun.  And then, the Sacraments are received in time, places and circumstances:  Baptism is given only once and never again; the Sacrament of Penance is given when one falls into sin; My very Sacramental Life is given only once a day.  And in this gap of time the poor creature does not feel upon herself the strength, the help of the baptismal waters that regenerate her continuously, nor the sacramental words of the priest that fortify her in a continuous way, by saying to her:  ‘I absolve you from your sins.’  Nor does she find, in her weaknesses and trials of life, her Sacramental Jesus for her to take at all hours of the day.  On the other hand, My Divine Will, possessing the primary act of life and the capacity to give life, with Its empire, holds the continuous act over the creature.  In each instant It gives Itself as life—life of light, of sanctity, of love, life of fortitude; in sum, with It as life there are no times, circumstances, places, hours; there are no restrictions, nor any law, especially since It must give life, and life is formed with continuous acts, not at intervals.  And therefore, in the ardor of Its love, with Its continuous empire, it can be said that It is continual Baptism, absolution never interrupted, and communion of each instant.  More so, since this Will of Ours was given to man in the beginning of his creation as perennial life dwelling in him.

“This was the substance, the fruit of Creation—Our Will that was to form Our life in the creature.  With this life We gave everything, there was nothing he might need which he would not be able to find in this Will of Ours.  It can be said that he would have at his disposal anything he might want:  help, strength, sanctity, light—everything was placed in his power; and My Will took on the commitment to give him anything he wanted, as long as he would give It dominion and would let It dwell in his soul.  Therefore, it was not necessary to institute the Sacraments when man was created, because in My Will he possessed the origin and the life of all goods. …”