From the Calendar--May 6, 1928 Volume 24

According to my usual way, I was all immersed in that Divine Fiat that, more than sun, shines in my poor soul. And my always lovable Jesus, moving in my interior, told me: “My daughter, My love toward the children of My Will will be such and so great, that I will not permit that they touch the earth. I will lay My steps under their feet so that, if they walk, they may touch My steps, not the earth—in such a way as to feel within them the life of My steps, that will communicate the life of the steps of My Divine Will to the steps of the children of My Will.

“If they work, they will feel the touch of My works that, lining up, will communicate the virtue of My Will to their works. If they speak, if they think, they will feel the life of My words and of My thoughts that, investing them, will communicate the virtue of My Fiat to their minds and words. So, I Myself will be the carrier of the children of My Will; I will be very jealous that they may not touch anything, so that they may take part in nothing, and may feel My Life flow continuously within them, forming the life of the Eternal Will in theirs.

“Therefore, they will be the most beautiful works of My creative hands. Oh! how the work of Creation will be reflected in them. They will be the triumph of My Redemption—everything shall triumph in them. And then will I be able to say: ‘My works are complete,’ and I will take rest in the midst of the children of My Supreme Fiat.”