From the Calendar--May 6, 1934 Volume 33

[Jesus speaking] “Listen to Me, My daughter:  in Creation Our primary purpose was man, but instead of creating man first, We created heavens, sun, sea, earth, air, winds, as the dwelling in which to place this man, and so as to let him find everything that was needed to make him live.  In the very creation of man, first We made the body and then I infused in him the soul, more precious, more noble, and containing more value than the body.  Many times it is necessary to do minor things first, in order to prepare with decency the place for Our major works.  What is the wonder, then, if in descending from Heaven to earth, Our primary purpose in Our divine mind was to constitute the Kingdom of Our Will in the midst of the human family?  More so, since the first offense that man gave Us was directed precisely against Our Will, therefore with justice Our first intent was to be directed to rejoining the offended side of Our Will and to returning to It Its royal place.  And after this would Redemption come; and Redemption came indeed in a superabundant way, with such excesses of love as to astound Heaven and earth.  But why before?  Because It was to serve to prepare, with decency, with decorum, with sumptuousness, with the endowment of My pains and of My very death, as Kingdom, as army, as cortege, to let My Will reign.  In order to heal man My pains were needed; it took My death to give him life; yet, one tear of Mine, one sigh of Mine, one single drop of My blood would have been enough to save all, because everything I did was animated by My Supreme Will.  I can say that it was My Will that ran within all My acts, in My most harrowing pains, to seek man and place him in safety.  How, then, can the prime purpose be denied to a Will so holy, so powerful, which embraces everything, and there is no life nor any good without It?  Therefore, the mere thinking that is absurd.  So, I want you to recognize It in all things as prime act of everything; in this way you will place yourself in Our divine order – that there is nothing in which We do not give primacy to Our Will.”