[Jesus speaking] “Therefore I tell you, true daughter of My Volition, first happy birth from My Will—be attentive and faithful to Me. Come into My Eternal Volition—My acts await you, wanting the seal of yours; those of My Mama await you; the whole of Heaven awaits you, wanting to see all of their acts glorified in My Will by a creature of their own stock; the present and future generations await you, to be given back the lost happiness. Ah! no, no, the generations will not end until man returns into My womb, beautiful, dominating, just as he came out of My creative hands. I am not content with having redeemed him; even at the cost of waiting, I will still have patience, but he must return to Me as I made him, by virtue of My Will. By doing his own will, he descended into the abyss and transformed himself into a brute; by doing My Will, he will ascend and acquire the new transformation into the nature created by Me. Then will I be able to say: ‘I have accomplished everything; the order of the whole Creation has returned to Me, and I will rest in It.’”