Upon coming, my always lovable Jesus drew me so very close to Himself, within an immense Light, and told me: "Little daughter of My Will, this immense Light that you see is My Supreme Will, from which nothing escapes. You must know that as I created the heavens, the Sun, the stars, etc., for all I fixed the limits, the place and the number, and they can neither increase nor decrease. I hold all things in the palm of My hand. In the same way, in creating man, at the same time I created all intelligences and each thought, all words, works, steps, and all the rest of man, from the first to the last who will exist. And this was as though natural in Me; more so, since I Myself was to be the actor and spectator of even one thought. Since man would not be able to do it without Me, how could I not know it, and know also their number? Therefore, all the works of the creatures swim inside My Will, just as the fish swim inside a vast sea.
“However, having created man, not a slave, but free — because it would not have been decorous for Me, nor a work worthy to come out of my hands, had I delivered this man hampered, without freedom; nor could I have said, ‘Let Us make him in Our Image and Likeness’, had I not made him free — I wanted to endow him with freedom. I was free — free he was also to be. Besides, there is nothing that tortures a person more than to give a forced love, which causes diffidence, suspicion, fears, and almost disgust in the one who receives it.
“Do you see where each act of creature, even one thought, has its origin? In the Sanctity of My Will. With this difference: that if man wants, he can do that very thought, word, etc., well or badly, in a holy way or wickedly. Now, My Will grieved in seeing the acts of many, of which It was the actor, changed into deadly acts for Me and for them. Therefore I wanted that My Will, becoming the double actor of each act, lay another Divine act over all, which was to repay Me with as many other Divine acts, according to the Sanctity of My Will. However, someone was needed to do this: and here is My Humanity, holy and free as well, which, wanting no other life than the Divine Will, swimming in this immense sea, went on redoubling each thought, word and work of creature, and laid an act of Divine Will over all. This satisfied and glorified the Divine Father, in such a way that He was able to look at man and open the doors of Heaven to him. And I bound the human will more strongly, leaving it always free not to detach from the Will of its Creator, since detaching from It had made it fall into many disasters. …”