From the Calendar--November 13, 1915 Volume 11

After I had received Holy Communion, I thought to myself: “How should I offer It in order to please Jesus?” And He, always kind, told me: "My daughter, if you want to please Me, offer It as My own Humanity did. Before giving Communion to the others, I gave Communion to Myself, and I wanted to do this in order to give to the Father the complete glory of all the Communions of creatures, and to enclose within Me all the reparations for all the sacrileges, for all the offenses that My Humanity would receive in the Sacrament. Since I enclosed the Divine Will, I enclosed all the reparations of all times; and since I received Myself, I received Myself worthily. And since all the works of the creatures were Divinized by My Humanity, I wanted to seal the communions of the creatures with My Communion. Otherwise, how could the creature receive a God? It was My Humanity that opened this door to the creatures, giving them merit to receive Me.

“You — my daughter, do it in My Will; unite it to My Humanity. In this way you will enclose everything, and I will find in you the reparations of all, the reward for everything, and my satisfaction. Even more, I will find in you another Me."