I was feeling all sunken in my nothingness, and feeling without my most sweet Jesus, I felt my nothingness emptied of its life, without support and without strength; and since I had received Holy Communion, I felt that I had nothing to offer to Jesus, and I felt oppressed and embittered. And He, compassionating me, told me: “My daughter, courage, your nothingness with your Jesus is everything, and you can give Me everything. In fact, you must know that when you receive Me in the Sacrament I do not descend alone, but I descend with all My works, and just as I make you the owner of My Sacramental Life, so do I make you the owner of all My works. Therefore, if you want, you have much to give Me, because you have My works in your power; more so, since My Sacramental Life which you receive in the Holy Host is surrounded by the acts that My Humanity did for Me when I received Myself in instituting the Most Holy Sacrament; It is surrounded by the acts that My Celestial Mama did for Me when She received Me in the Sacrament; It is surrounded by all the acts of those who live of My Will—because these acts are inseparable from Me, and remain incorporated with Me as part of My own Life. So, you can give Me everything, because they serve to cover your misery, to make up for your love, almost so as not to make you feel ashamed that, as I come into you, you would have nothing to give Me. Even more, as you make use of them in order to give them to Me and be able to please Me and love Me by means of these acts, they bilocate and become your acts and My acts, acts of the Sovereign Queen, and acts of the souls who live of My Will, in such a way that, instead of having one, I have two, and My Sacramental Life remains surrounded by double acts, by double love, by greater glory. These are My traffics that I do when I communicate Myself to souls: I give of My own in order to get twice as much from them, and so I industriate Myself to put into traffic My very Sacramental Life, so as to receive the requital of It. But, alas! how many do not make use of It, and they remain as having nothing, nor do they know what to give Me; and I remain without a new cortege, starved of their acts, and with the sorrow of not even being able to industriate Myself in My loving traffics. You will not do this to Me, because if I come, it is not just to come, but also because I want to give Myself and receive as much as the creature can give. This forms My satisfaction, mM contentment and My paradise in the Most Holy Sacrament. To give Myself and receive nothing from them forms My purgatory in My little prison of the Sacramental Host—a purgatory that human ingratitude forms for Me. Therefore, be attentive, and with courage, and without any reservation, give Me from My own, and all of yourself to Me, that I may be able to say: ‘I gave everything to her, and she gave everything to Me.’ In this way you will form My contentment and My traffic of love”