From the Calendar--November 15, 1923 Volume 16

I felt as though drowned in the Holy Will of God. My sweet Jesus seemed to amuse Himself very much in my interior in sending me light, and I felt as though eclipsed in that light. I felt that my mind was being filled with so much that I could not contain it, to the point of saying to Jesus: “Jesus, my Heart, don’t you know that I am little? I cannot contain what You want to put into my intelligence.”

And Jesus: "Little daughter of mine, do not fear, your Jesus will let you drink this light sip by sip, so that you may receive it and comprehend it. Do you know what this light means? It is the Light of My Will; it is that Divine Will rejected by other creatures, Which, wanting to come and reign upon earth, seeks to find someone who would receive It, comprehend It, and love It. In order to come and reign, It wants to find a little soul who would offer herself to receive all the acts that the Supreme Will had destined for each creature, to make her happy and holy, and to give her the goods It contains. Now, this Happiness, Sanctity and the Goods that the Eternal Will delivered, in order to communicate them to the creature just as It delivered the whole Creation — are united and suspended; and if It does not find one who receives them, to give It all the homage, honor and courting that the other creatures have not given It — It cannot come and reign upon earth. Therefore, your task is to embrace all generations in order to receive all the acts of the Supreme Will that they rejected, with all the goods It contains. If you do not do so, My Eternal Will cannot put Itself in feast, to come and reign. It will have the tears of the past sorrow — of how ungratefully It was rejected; and one who cries does not reign. Therefore It wants not only that the acts of Its Volition destined to each creature, receive reparation, but that there be desire to receive Its happiness with love, along with everything It contains."