My usual state of abandonment in the Supreme Fiat continues, but at the same time I call He who forms all my happiness, my life, my all.
And Jesus, moving in my interior, told me: “My daughter, the more you abandon yourself in the Supreme Volition, the more you advance along Its ways, the more knowledges you acquire, and the more you take possession of the goods that are in the Divine Will; because in It there is always something to know and to take. Being the primary inheritance given by God to the creature and possessing the eternal goods, My Will has the task to always give to one who lives in this inheritance. And only when It finds the creature within the boundaries of Its Volition — then is It content and begins the activity of Its office; and putting Itself in feast, It gives new things to Its heiress. So, the soul who lives in It is the feast of My Will. …”