From the Calendar--November 26, 1929 Volume 27

[Jesus speaking} “So, you must know that this is the great difference between one who lives in Our Divine Volition and one who is resigned and, in the circumstances, does Our Divine Will: the first one, it is Divine Lives that she offers to Us by means of her acts; the other one, in operating, encloses the effects of Our Will, and We do not feel within Ourselves Our very enrapturing strength that enraptures Us in her acts, but only the effects; not the whole of Our Love, but a small particle of It; not the source of Our happiness, but its mere shadow. And from Life to effects there is such difference—just as between life and works. Who can say that a work has all the value that a life of creature can possess? Much less can the Divine Life formed by the creature in My Divine Will be compared with her works done outside of It.”