… I thought to myself: “How can I arrive at pearling each thought of creature with my ‘I love You’?”
And my sweet Jesus, moving in my interior, told me: “My daughter, with My Will you can do anything, and can reach anything. Now, you must know that, before sinning, in each thought he made, in each gaze, word, work, step, heartbeat, man gave his act to God, and God gave His continuous Act to man. So, his condition was of always giving to his Creator, and of always receiving. There was such harmony between Creator and creature that, on both sides, they could not be without one giving and the other receiving, to then give act again, be it even a thought, a gaze. Therefore, each thought of man looked for God, and God ran to fill his thought with grace, with sanctity, with light, with life, with Divine Will. It can be said that the littlest act of man loved and recognized He who had given him life, and God loved him back by requiting him with His Love, and by making His Divine Life grow in each act of man, little and great. He was incapable of receiving the Divine Life all at once—he was too narrow, and God gave It to him sip by sip, in each act he did for love of Him, taking delight in giving him always, to form His Divine Life in him.
“Therefore, each thought and act of man poured into God, and God poured into him. This was the true order of Creation: to find in man, in each of his acts, his Creator, so that He might be able to give him His Light and what He had established to give him. Our Divine Will, present in Us and in him, made Itself the bearer of one and of the other, and forming the full day in him, It placed in common the goods of both. How happy was the condition of man when Our Divine Fiat reigned in him. It can be said that he was growing on Our paternal knees, attached to Our breast, from which he drew growth and his formation.
“This is why I want that, in My Divine Volition, each thought of creature have your ‘I love You’—to call back the order between Creator and creature. In fact, you must know that, by sinning, man not only rejected Our Fiat, but broke the love toward He who had loved him so much; he put himself at a distance from his Creator, and a far away love cannot form life, because true love feels the need to be nourished by the love of the beloved, and to remain so close as to be impossible for them to separate. … “