On hearing this, I said to Him: “My Love and my Life, I still cannot convince myself. How is it possible that no Saint has always done your Most Holy Will, and has lived in the way You are now saying — in your Will?’ And Jesus: "Ah, My daughter, you still do not want to convince yourself that one can take as much light, grace, variety and value, for as much as he knows? Surely there have been Saints who have always done My Will, but they took of My Will as much as they knew. They knew that doing My Will was the greatest act, that which honored Me the most and which brought sanctification, and with this intention they did It, and this is what they took, because there is no Sanctity without My Will, and no good nor sanctity, little or small, can come without It.
“You must know that what My Will was, It is and will be: It has changed in nothing. But as It manifests Itself, It makes known the variety of the colors, effects and values It contains; and It does not just make Itself known, but It gives to the soul the variety of Its colors, effects and values; otherwise, why make them known? My Will acted like a great lord who showed his most extensive and sumptuous palace. To the first ones he pointed out the way in order to reach his palace; to the second the door; to the third the stairs; to the forth the first rooms; and to the last ones he opened all the rooms, making them the owners and giving them all the goods which are in it. Now, the first ones have taken the goods which are on the way; the second, the goods which are at the door, superior to those which are on the way; the third, those of the stairs; the forth, those of the first rooms, where there are more goods and are kept more safely; the last ones, the goods of the whole palace.
“So has My Will done. It had to make known the way, the door, the stairs, the first rooms, to be able to move on into the whole immensity of My Will, and to show them the great goods which are in It, and how the creature operating in these goods contained in My Will acquires the variety of Its colors, of Its Immensity, Sanctity and Power, and of all My Works. In making something known, I give and impress in the soul that Divine quality which I make known. If you knew under what mighty waves of graces you are, when I move on to make you know other effects of My Will, and how I paint in your soul as a skillful painter, the different effects and values which I make you know with the most vivid colors — you would remain crushed beneath My waves! But having compassion for your weakness, I sustain you; and while I sustain you I impress more within you what I tell you, because if I speak, I act. Therefore, be attentive and faithful."