I was feeling all oppressed under the weight of the privation of my sweet Jesus. Oh! how I longed for the Celestial Fatherland, in which I will no longer lose sight of Him—I will no longer be subjected to the hard martyrdom of feeling myself dying, without dying!
Now, while I was tired and exhausted of waiting, my sweet Life, my dear Good, my sweet Jesus, moved in my interior, but all afflicted, as it seemed He was sending chastisements over the earth, and in order not to give me more pain, He did not want me to see them. But from the way I saw Him, I understood the chastisements He was sending.
And, sighing, He told me: “My daughter, courage, let Me finish manifesting to you what is necessary, regarding the Kingdom of My Will, so that nothing may be lacking in order to form It in the midst of the human family. Then, after I have completed everything, I will quickly bring you into our Fatherland. Do you think that you will see the full triumph of the Kingdom of the Eternal Fiat before coming to Heaven? It is from Heaven that you will see Its full triumph. It will happen to you as it happened to Me with the Kingdom of Redemption. I did everything that was needed; I formed the foundation, I gave the laws and the counsels that were needed; I instituted the Sacraments, I left the Gospel as the norm of their life, I suffered unheard-of pains unto death; but while being on earth, I saw little or almost nothing of the fruits and of the carrying out of Redemption. After I had done everything, and had nothing left to do, I entrusted everything to the Apostles, that they might be the criers of the Kingdom of Redemption, so that the fruits of the works I did for the Kingdom of Redemption might come out.
“The same will happen for the Kingdom of the Supreme Fiat. We will do It together, My daughter. Your pains, your long sacrifices, your incessant prayers that My Kingdom may come soon, and My manifestations about It—I will unite everything together with Me and will form the foundations. And once I have completed everything, I will entrust My Kingdom to My Ministers, so that, like second apostles of the Kingdom of My Will, they may be the criers of It. Do you think that the coming of Father Di Francia [St. Annibale Maria di Francia was canonized by Pope St. John Paul II, 2004], who shows so much interest and who has taken to heart the publication of what regards My Will, came by chance? No, no—I Myself disposed it. It is a providential Act of the Supreme Will that wants him as first apostle of the Divine Fiat and proclaimer of It.
“And since he happens to be the founder of an order, it is easier for him to approach bishops, priests and people, also within his own institute, in order to proclaim the Kingdom of My Will. This is why I assist him so much and I give him special light, because in order to understand My Will it takes great graces—not little lights, but sun, to comprehend a Divine, Holy and Eternal Will, as well as great disposition on the part of the one to whom this office is entrusted. And then, the daily coming of the priest, I Myself also disposed, that I might find quickly the first apostles of the Fiat of My Kingdom, so that they might proclaim what regards My Eternal Will. Therefore, let Me finish first, so that, after I have completed it, I may entrust it to the new apostles of My Will; and you will be able to come to Heaven, to see from up there the fruits of the longed for Kingdom of the Eternal Fiat.”