From the Calendar--November 8, 1921 Volume 13

And my Jesus told me: “Do you see what it means to live in My Will? To multiply My Life as many times as one wants; to repeat all the good which My Life contains.”

After this, I was saying to my Jesus: “My Life, I enter into Your Will to be able to extend myself in everyone and to everything—from the first to the last thought, from the first to the last word, from the first to the last action and step that were done, are done, and will be done. I want to seal everything with Your Will, so that You may receive from everything the glory of Your sanctity, of Your love, of Your power; and all that is human may remain covered, hidden, marked by Your Volition, so that nothing—nothing human may remain, in which You do not receive divine glory.”

Now, while I was doing this and other things, my sweet Jesus came all festive, accompanied by innumerable Blessed, and said: “All of Creation says to Me: ‘My glory, My glory!’”

And all the Saints responded: “Behold, O Lord, we give You divine glory for everything!” An echo could be heard from all sides, saying: “For everything we give You love and glory!”