Then, since Father had called me, I returned into myself. Then, as the confessor celebrated Holy Mass, I received Communion, and Jesus came back. I lamented to Jesus that He was not coming as before; that the great love He had for me seemed to have turned into coldness... “It is true that as I lament to You, You always give excuses – that You want to chastise and this is why You do not come; but I don’t believe it. Who knows what evil there is in my soul, and because of it You do not come. Tell me at least, for at any cost, even of giving my life, I will remove it; but without You I cannot be. Think what You want; in this way I cannot go on – either with You on earth, or with You in Heaven.” And blessed Jesus, interrupting me, told me: "Calm yourself, calm yourself, I am not far away from you, but I am always with you. You do not always see Me, but I am always with you; even more, I am in your inmost heart in order to rest, and as you look for Me and bear My privations with patience, you surround Me with flowers to cheer Me and make Me rest more peacefully."
And while He was saying this, it seemed that there were many varieties of flowers around Jesus, which almost concealed Him. Then He added: "You don’t believe that I keep you deprived of Me in order to chastise; yet it is so. When you least expect it, you will hear of the things that will happen." And while saying this, He showed me, in the world, wars, revolutions against the Church, churches on fire – and this was almost imminent.