Now, while He was saying this, I seemed to find myself in Heaven, and as though from one single point, I could see all generations; and prostrating myself before the Supreme Majesty, I took the reciprocal Love of the Divine Persons, Their perfect adoration, the ever unique Sanctity of Their Will and I offered them in the name of all as the return of love, adoration, submission, and union which every creature should give to her Creator. I wanted to unite Heaven and earth—Creator and creature, that they might embrace and exchange the supreme kiss of the union of their wills.
Then my Jesus added: “This is your task—to live in Our midst and to make all that is Ours your own, giving it to Us on behalf of your brothers; so that, drawn by what is Ours, We may be bound to the human generations, and give them the supreme kiss of the union of their wills to Ours, which We gave to man in Creation.”