From the Calendar--October 17, 1926 Volume 20

It seems I cannot do without continuing my round in the Supreme Will. I feel It is my true home, and only when I go around within It—then am I content, because I find everything that belongs to my sweet Jesus, and by virtue of His Will, all that belongs to Him, is also mine. Therefore, I have much to give to my beloved Good; even more, there is so much to give Him, that I never finish giving Him everything. So I remain always with the desire to go back and continue my round, to be able to give Him everything that belongs to His adorable Will.

So, while going around, thinking of the great good that the Supreme Volition brings to the soul, I prayed to Jesus that He would soon make It known to all, so that they might take part in such a great good. And in order to obtain this, as I reached each created thing, I said to Him: “I come into the sun to keep company with Your Will reigning and dominating in it, with all the splendor of Its Majesty. But while I keep You company in the sun, I pray You that Your Eternal Fiat be known, and just as It reigns triumphantly in the sun, It may come to reign triumphantly in the midst of creatures.

“See, the sun also is praying You—all of its light turns into prayer, and as it extends over the earth and invests plants and flowers, mountains and plains, seas and rivers with its light, it prays that Your Fiat may be one upon earth, harmonizing with all creatures. So, I am not the only one who is praying, but it is the power of Your very Will reigning in the sun that is praying. The light is praying; its innumerable effects, the goods, the colors it contains, are praying—all are praying that Your Fiat may reign over all. Can You resist such a great mass of light, that prays with the power of Your own Will?

“And I, little as I am, while keeping You company in this sun, bless, adore, glorify Your adorable Will, with that magnificence and glory with which Your own Will glorifies Itself in Its works. So, only in the creatures is Your Will not to find the perfect glory of Its works? Therefore, come—may Your Fiat come.”

But while I am doing this, I feel all the light of the sun praying that the Eternal Fiat may come; or rather, it is His very adorable Will that, investing the light, prays. And I, leaving It there praying, move on into the other created things to make my tiny little visit, to keep a little company with the adorable Will in each one of Its acts, that It exercises in each created thing. Therefore, I go through the heavens, the stars, the sea, so that the heavens may pray, the stars may pray, the sea may pray with its murmuring that the Supreme Fiat be known and reign triumphantly over all creatures, just as It reigns in them. Then, after going around over all created things to keep company with the Divine Fiat, and to ask, within each thing, that It may come to reign upon earth—how beautiful it is to see and to hear the whole Creation praying that Its Kingdom may come into the midst of creatures.