From the Calendar--October 19, 1922 Volume 14[

[Jesus speaking]

“… I find Myself in the condition of a poor mother, who has held her birth inside her womb for a long time, and as the time comes to deliver, if she does not, she agonizes, she anguishes; and forgetful of her life, at any cost she wants to give birth. The hours, the days of delay seem like years and centuries to her. She has done and disposed everything; there is nothing left but to deliver it.

“So am I — more than a mother. For many centuries I have held within Me, more than a birth, all My human acts done in the Sanctity of the Eternal Volition in order to give them to the creature. And when they give themselves, they will raise the human acts of the creature to Divine Acts, and will adorn her with the most beautiful beauties, making her live with the Life of My Will; giving her the value, the effects and the goods which my Will possesses. Therefore, more than mother, I agonize, I anguish, I burn with desire to deliver this birth from My Will. The time has come; there is nothing left but to find one who would receive the first birth, so as to continue with other births in other creatures. This is why I tell you — be attentive; enlarge your heart to be able to receive all the value, the effects, the knowledge which My Will contains, so that I may place the first birth in you. How much joy will you give Me! You will be the beginning of My happiness upon earth. I could say that the human will rendered Me unhappy in the midst of creatures; and My Will operating in the creature will restore My happiness."