Then, having received Communion, I was saying to Jesus, “I love You,” and He told me: "My daughter, do you really want to love Me? Say: Jesus, I love You with Your Will. And since My Will fills Heaven and earth, your love will surround Me everywhere, and your ‘I love You’ will resound up there in the Heavens, and down to the bottom of the abysses. So, if you want to say: ‘I adore You, I bless You, I praise You, I thank You,’ you will say it united with My Will, and you will fill Heaven and earth with adorations, benedictions, praises, thanksgiving — in My Will. These are simple, easy and immense things.
“My Will is everything, to the extent that my very attributes — what are they? A simple act of My Will. Therefore, if Justice, Goodness, Wisdom, Fortitude follow their course, My Will precedes them, accompanies them, and places them in the act of operating. In sum, they do not move one point from My Volition. Therefore, whoever takes My Will takes everything; even more, she can say that her life is ended — ended the weaknesses, the temptations, the passions and the miseries — because all things lose their rights in the one who does My Will. My Will has primacy over everything, and right to all."