Oh! Divine Will, make Yourself known, possessed and loved, so that all may be happy — but of celestial happiness, not terrestrial.
But while I was thinking of this, my sweet Jesus, making His little visit, told me: “My daughter, for each act that you do in My Divine Will, so many steps you take toward God, and God takes His steps toward you. The step of the creature is the call that moves the Divine Step to go to meet her; and since We never let Ourselves be beaten or surpassed by her acts, if she takes one step, We take five — ten, because Our Love, being greater than her own, hastens — multiplies the steps, to make the encounter sooner and dive one into the other. Even more, many times it is We who move the step in order to call the step of the creature to come to Us; We want Our creature, We want to give her something of Our own, We want her to resemble Us, We want to render her happy, and therefore We tread the step to call her. And one who is in Our Will—oh! how she hears the sweet treading of Our Steps and runs to come to Us, to receive the fruits of Our Steps. …”