From the Calendar--October 29, 1926 Volume 20

[Jesus speaking] “Now, after I created everything, I formed the nature of man with My own creative hands; and as I formed the bones, extended the nerves, formed the heart, so did I centralize My Love. And after I clothed him with flesh, forming as though the most beautiful statue that no other artisan could ever make, I looked at him, and I loved him so much that, unable to contain My Love, it overflowed; and breathing on him, I infused life in him.

“But We were not content. In an excess of Love, the Sacrosanct Trinity wanted to endow him, giving him intellect, memory and will, and according to his capacity of creature, We enriched him with all the particles of Our Divine Being. The whole of the Divinity was intent on loving man and on pouring Itself into him. From the very first instant of his life he felt all the strength of Our Love, and from the depth of his heart, he expressed with his own voice, love for his Creator.

“Oh! How happy We felt in hearing Our work, the statue made by Us, speaking, loving Us—and with perfect love. It was the reflection of Our Love that came out of him. This love had not been contaminated by his will, and therefore his love was perfect, because he possessed the fullness of Our Love. Until then, of all the things created by Us, not one thing had said to Us that it loved Us. Now, in hearing that man loved Us, Our joy, Our contentment, was so great, that as the fulfillment of Our feast, We constituted him king of all the universe, and the most beautiful jewel of Our creative hands. How beautiful man was in the first times of his creation. He was Our reflection, and these reflections gave him so much beauty as to enrapture Our Love, and render him perfect in all of his acts: perfect was the glory he gave to his Creator; perfect his adoration, his love, his works. His voice was so harmonious as to resound in the whole creation, because he possessed the Divine harmony, and the harmony of that Fiat that had given him life.”