Then I said to Him: “Tell me, my Love, how many times does your Will go around through all creatures?”
And Jesus: "My daughter, in each heartbeat of creature My Will forms Its complete round through all of Creation. And just as the heartbeat in the creature is continuous, and if the heartbeat ceases life ceases, in order to give Divine Life to all creatures, My Will, more than heartbeat, goes around and forms the Heartbeat of My Will in every heart. See, then, how My Will is in every creature: as primary heartbeat, because her own is secondary; and if I feel any heartbeat of creature, it is by virtue of the heartbeat of My Will. Even more, My Will forms in her two heartbeats: one for the human heart, as life of the body, and one for the soul, as heartbeat and life of the soul.
“But do you want to know what this heartbeat of My Will does in the creature? If she thinks, My Will runs and circulates like blood in the veins of the soul, and gives her the Divine Thought, that she may put aside the human thought and give the place to the word of My Will. If she works, if she walks, if she loves, My Wills wants the place of her work, of her step, of her love. The love and the jealousy of My Will in the creature is so great that, while It palpitates, if the creature wants to think, It becomes thought; if she wants to look, It becomes eye; if she wants to speak, It becomes word; if she wants to work, It becomes work; if she wants to walk, It becomes foot; if she wants to love, It becomes fire. In sum, It runs and wanders through every act of the creature in order to take its primary place, which is due to It. But to Our greatest sorrow, the creature denies It this place of honor, and gives place to her human will; and My Will is forced to remain in the creature as if It had no thought, no eye, no word, no hands, no feet – unable to carry out the Life of My Will in the center of the soul of the creature. What sorrow! What highest ingratitude!
“But do you want to know who gives Me free field and lets My Will operate as heartbeat of Life within her soul? One who lives in My Will. Oh, how well does My Will carry out Its Life, becoming thought of her thought, eye of her eye, word of her mouth, heartbeat of her heart, and so with all the rest! Oh, how quickly we understand each other with one who is living in My Will; and My Will obtains the intent of forming Its Life in the soul of the creature! …”