From the Calendar--September 13, 1926 Volume 19

[Jesus speaking] “…Now, who until now has ever prayed with interest, with insistence, laying down the sacrifice of his own life so that the Kingdom of the Supreme Fiat may come upon earth, and may triumph and dominate? No one. It is true that the Church has been reciting the ‘Our Father’ from the time I came upon earth, in which one asks, ‘Thy Kingdom come,’ so that My Will be done on earth as It is in Heaven, but who thinks about the request they make? It can be said that the whole importance of such a request remained in My Will and that creatures recite it just to recite it, without understanding and without any interest in obtaining what they ask for. Therefore, my daughter, everything is hidden in secret while one lives on earth, and therefore everything seems a mystery; and if anything is known it is so limited, that man has always something to say about all that I operate in my works through the veils of creatures. They reach the point of saying: ‘And why have this good and these knowledges not been given before, while there have been so many great Saints?’ But in eternity there will be no secrets, I will reveal everything, and will show all things and My Works with Justice, and how Justice could never have given, had there not been sufficient acts in the creature to be able to give what the Supreme Majesty wants to give. It is true that everything that the creature does is My grace, but my grace itself wants to find the prop of the dispositions and good will of the creature. Therefore, in order to restore the Kingdom of My Will upon earth it takes sufficient acts of the creature, so that My Kingdom may not remain in the air, but may descend, to be formed upon the very acts of the creature formed by her to obtain a good so great.

“This is why I push you so much to go around in all Our works – Creation and Redemption – so that you may place the share of your acts, your ‘I love You,’ your adoration, your gratitude, your ‘thank You’ upon all Our works. Many times I have done this together with you; and then, as the fulfillment, after your round in Our Will comes your refrain, so pleasing to Us: ‘SupremeMajesty, Your little daughter comes before You, on yYur paternal knees, to ask You for Your Fiat, Your Kingdom, that It be known by all. I ask You for the triumph of Your Will, that It may dominate and reign over all. I am not the only one who asks this of You, but with me are Your works and Your very Will. Therefore, in the name of all, I ask – I plead for your Fiat.’ If you knew what a breach in Our Supreme Being is this refrain of yours! We feel We are being prayed by all Our works, beseeched by Our very Will; Heaven and earth pray on their knees to ask Us for the Kingdom of the Eternal Will. Therefore, if you want It, continue your acts, so that, by reaching the established number, you may obtain what you long for with so much insistence.”