My abandonment in the Divine Volition continues. I feel hidden by Its Eternal Waves, in which It hides everything, nothing flees from Its Immensity so that one who wants to find everything, embrace everything, listen to the story of each one, must enter into this Sea of the Supreme Fiat.
But while my mind was lost in It, my sweet Jesus, visiting my little soul, told me: “Blessed daughter, My Will encloses everything. Rather, for each creature It holds his Written Page of how his story should develop and form his life. And this page was written ‘ab eterno’; it was written in the Light of Our Will, such that the life of each creature in time had its beginning, but in Our Supreme Being it had no beginning. And he was Loved by Us with Love without beginning and without end. Now, the whole of Creation did not yet exist and We Loved him, because he was already within Us; We held the Great Birth of all creatures enclosed within the Sanctuary of Our Divinity. In each one of them We looked at Our little Written Page, his circumstances, his tiny little story, and according to this, what more or less was written, what must be fulfilled and glorified Our Most Holy Will, so We Loved him more Intensely.
“You did not exist yet, but Our Will enclosed you, and Loving you We gave you the place, the rest on Our Paternal knees. We gave you various Lessons on Our Fiat, and O! how much pleasure We took in seeing you listen and write in your soul, as though copying, what was written in Our Eternal Page, because you must know that what We want the creature to do in Our Will, is first done by Us, formed by Us in Our own Volition, and then overflowing from Us, It wants to do it and form it in the creature, making Its Field of Divine Action with him. So much is Our Love, that We want nothing other than that she do what We have done, giving her the model of Our Act, so that she can copy it. And how much help, assistance, do We not give while she makes the copy, giving her Our own Will as her act, as prime material, so that the copy comes out according to Our Design.
“Now, every act of one who does his will does nothing other than ruin Our Design, forming some erasures on Our Written Page. Every Written Word of Ours contained a special and Eternal Love. It contained the development of his life according to Our Likeness, in which he would enclose his story of love and of fulfillment of His Divine Will toward his Creator. The human volition does nothing other than counterfeit this Page, throwing Our Likeness into confusion, and instead of forming the copy of Our Page, written with so much Love for him, he has formed his page written with notes of sorrow, of confusion, and with a story so vile and base, that the centuries won’t make a memory of it, and the Eternal One will not find in him the echo of the story written on His Page, in which His Divine Story must be praised by the creature. …”