I was doing my usual round in the Creation, to follow all the acts that the Supreme Volition had done in all created things; and my sweet Jesus, coming out from my interior, told me: “My daughter, when the creature goes through the works of her Creator it means that she wants to recognize, appreciate, love, what God has done for love of her; and having nothing to give Him in return, while going through His works she takes the whole Creation as though in the palm of her hand, and she gives It back to God, intact and beautiful, for His glory and honor, saying to Him: ‘I recognize You, I glorify You by means of Your own works, that alone are worthy of You.’
“Now, Our delight in seeing Ourselves recognized in Our works by the creature is such and so great, that We feel as if the Creation were being repeated again, to give Us double glory; and since this double glory is given to Us because the creature recognizes Our works done for love of them and given to them as gift so that they would love Us, by recognizing Our gift, the creature encloses the all in the Heaven of her soul, and We see, within her littleness, Our Divine Being with all Our works. More so since, Our Divine Fiat being present in the littleness of this creature, she has capacity and space to be able to enclose the All, and—oh! prodigy, to see the All enclosed in the human littleness, and to see her, brave, giving the All to the All, only to love Him and glorify Him.
“That the All of Our Supreme Being be the All—there is nothing to be surprised about, because such is Our Divine Nature— to be All. But the All in the human littleness is the wonder of wonders; these are Prodigies of Our Divine Volition, that wherever It reigns It cannot make of Our Divine Being a being by half, but the whole of It. And since the Creation is nothing other than an outpouring of love of Our creating Fiat, wherever It reigns It encloses all Its works, and therefore the human littleness can say: ‘I give God to God.’ This is why, then, when We give Ourselves to the creature, We want everything—even her nothing, so that upon her nothing Our Creative Word may be repeated, and We may form Our All over the nothing of the creature. If she does not give Us everything—her littleness, her nothing—Our Creative Word cannot be repeated, nor is it decorous and an honor for Us to repeat it; because when We speak, We want to get rid of anything that does not belong to Us; and when We see that she does not give herself completely, We do not make her Our own, and so she remains the littleness and the nothing that she is, while We remain with the All that We are.”