After this, I continued thinking: “And why has the Lord so much interest, and He loves so much that His Holy Will be known and reign in the midst of creatures?”
And my sweet Jesus added: “My daughter, because the first purpose, act and end of Creation was that Our Divine Will alone Reign; and in order for It to Reign, it is necessary to know It. It was Our Will that entered the field of action in Creation, that imposed Itself on the ‘nothing’ with Its creating Fiat, and created heavens, suns and many beautiful works—and also man. And in all the works It created It placed the seal of Its Omnipotent Fiat as the indelible sign that It would remain inside each of Its works as ruling King inside his Kingdom.
“So, the purpose of Creation was not Our Power, Our Goodness, Our Justice, Our Immensity, and the like; and if all of these, Our Attributes, concurred in It, it was as consequence, not as purpose. And if We do not obtain the purpose, it is for Us as if We had done nothing; and since all created things were made for man, and man for Us, here is why, by necessity of love, by right of justice, for the honor and decorum of Ourselves and of all Our works, and as the fulfillment of Our Purpose, We want Our Divine Will to Reign in man as origin, life and end of his whole being.
“If you knew how much My Fiat suffers in looking at man; It looks at him, and says in Its sorrow: ‘I made him, truly, with My creative hands; he is My work, he is truly the one whom I so much delighted in creating. Yet, I am not inside of him as in My Kingdom; he broke My seal, and putting Me out, he destroys for Me the purpose for which I gave him life.’
“See then, how it is of absolute necessity that My Divine Will be known and Reign; and until It does, Our most beautiful works cannot produce for man the goods that they contain; the very work of Redemption is without fulfillment.”