[Jesus speaking] “Our Divine Will wants to be the Life of the creature — the greatest Act, the most exuberant Love, that only a God can do. Now, in order to be possessed by her, Our Will donates to her Its virtue of Prayer; and she takes the lead to confirm the gift, making all created things pray. She imposes herself on Our Love, Power and Goodness, making Our Love, Power and Goodness pray. And all Our attributes pray; even Our Justice, Mercy and Fortitude turn into Prayer. No one can miss. Whenever Our Will wants Us to do an act or to give a gift, We all bend Our knees to do what It wants. When all have prayed — even Our very divine attributes — We Confirm the Gift. The Prayer of this creature becomes universal, and each time she prays, she has such power that all Our things pray—even Our attributes. She has been given, with that gift, the right over all. What couldn’t be obtained with this gift of Prayer? We can say that the Heavens move, and that Our very Being feels enthralled and tied—so It surrenders.
“After the gift of Prayer, I move on to give her the gift of Love. In order to confirm her in Love, she loves with New Love in the sun, in the sky, in the wind, and even in Our Divine Being, so as to acquire the right to Love all and to be Loved by all with a new continuous Love. O, if you only knew what it means to be Loved by all with an ever-growing Love, and to have the power to Love all with a new growing Love!—to be able to say to your Creator: ‘Growing and ever-new is Your Love for me; growing and ever-new is my Love for You!’ This Love surpasses the heavens; It fills the celestial fatherland, and Its waves come to unload themselves into Our Divine Womb. O, What wonders happen! All remain astonished and glorify My Divine Volition for such a great Gift It gives to the creature. And as We give her this Gift, We enlarge her capacity so that she may understand what a Gift she has received, and use It. …”