I am writing of past things. I was thinking to myself: “The Lord spoke to some about His Passion, to some about His Heart, to some others about His Cross, and many more things. I would like to know which soul has been favored the most by Jesus.” My adorable Jesus came and told me: "My daughter, do you know who has been most favored by Me? The soul to whom I manifested the prodigies and the power of My Most Holy Will. All other things are parts of Me, while My Will is the center, the life and the holder of everything. My Will directed My Passion, gave life to My Heart, and exalted the Cross. My Will understands everything, catches everything, and activates everything — My Will is greater than anything. As a consequence, the one to whom I spoke about My Will has been the most favored, above everyone and everything.
“How much you should thank Me for having admitted you to the secrets of My Volition! Even more, the one who is in My Will is also in My Passion; she is My Heart; she is all the beauty of My Cross and she is My very Redemption. Nothing dissimilar exists between us. Therefore, I want you completely in My Will, if you want to take part in My Goods."
Another time I was thinking about what would be the best way to offer our actions, our prayers, etc. — whether as reparations, adoration, etc. My always benign Jesus told me: "My daughter, one who lives in My Will and does her things because I want it so, does not need to dispose her intentions. Since she is in My Will, as she operates, prays or suffers, I Myself dispose these things the way I please. Do I like the reparation? I placed them for reparation. Do I like love? I take them as love. Being the owner, I make of them whatever I please. It is not so for those who are not in My Will: they dispose, and I respect their will."