From the Calendar--September 29, 1931 Volume 29

[Jesus speaking] “To live in Our Will as Gift greatly differs from doing It; the first is prize, and Our decision to win the creature, with an invincible and irresistible force; to fill the human will with Our own in a sensible way, in a way that she will touch with her own hand, and with clarity, the great good that comes to her, such that only someone who is insane would flee from such a great good. In fact, for as long as the soul is a pilgrim one, the doors do not close behind the Gift, but remain open, so that, freely, not being forced, she may live in Our Gift; more so, since Our Will will not give this Gift by necessity, but because It loves her, and It is fully her own.

“On the other hand, to do Our Will is not prize, but duty and necessity, to which, willingly or unwillingly, she must submit; and the things that are done out of duty and out of necessity, if they can be shunned, are shunned, because in them does not enter the spontaneous love that makes one love and recognize Our Will as worthy of being be loved and known. The necessity hides Its good that It contains, and makes one feel the weight of the sacrifice and of the duty. On the other hand, the living in Our Will is not sacrifice, but conquest; it is not duty, but love. She feels, in Our Gift, her own self dissolved within It, and she loves It not only as Our Will, but also because It is exclusively hers; and by not giving It the first place, the regime, the dominion, she would not love herself. …”