So, I was saying in my interior: ‘“My Jesus, in Your Will I unite my thoughts to Yours, and since Your thoughts circulate in each created intelligence, I want every thought to draw from Yours the love of your intelligence, in order to place each thought of creature into the flight of love. This flight goes up into Heaven, before the Supreme Majesty, and blending with the Eternal Love, draws the Love of the Most Holy Trinity upon earth, over all creatures.”
… [Jesus speaking]
“In fact, do you want to know why Adam sinned? Because he forgot that I loved him and he forgot to love Me. This was the first seed of His fall. Had he thought that I loved him very much and that he was obliged to love Me, he would never have decided to disobey Me. So, first love ceased, and then began sin; and as soon as he stopped loving his God, true love for himself ceased. His members and powers rebelled against him; he lost dominion, order, and he became fearful. And not only this, but true love toward other creatures ceased, while I had created him with the same love which reigned among the Divine Persons, in which one was to be the image of the other, the happiness, the joy and life of the other.
“This is why, in coming upon earth, the thing to which I gave greatest importance was that they love one another as they were loved by Me, in order to give them My first Love, to let the Love of the Most Holy Trinity breathe over the earth.
“Therefore, in all your pains and privations, never forget that I love you very much, so as to never forget to love Me; and as Daughter of Our Will, you have the task to love Me for all. In this way, you will remain in order and you will fear nothing."