And I: “My Love, a thought afflicts me—I fear I may lack the continuation of my acts in Your Divine Will, and as I would interrupt the sound of my bell, You, offended by me, might put me aside, and will not give me any more grace to make me live in Your Will.”
And Jesus added: “My daughter, do not fear; you must know that one step gives life to another step, one good is life and support of another good, one act calls to life another act; and even evil, sin, is life of other evils and of other sins. Things never remain isolated, but almost always have their succession. Good is like the seed, that possesses the generative virtue; as long as one has the patience to sow it into the bosom of the earth, it will produce ten—twenty times as much. The same for the creature; if she has patience and remains attentive to enclose in her soul the seed of the good that she has done, she will have the generation, the multiplicity—one hundredfold, of the good acts that she has done. And if you knew what it means to do a good act! Each act is a protection that she acquires, and a voice speaking before Our throne of the one who has done a good. For each additional act of good, so many more defenders does the creature have for her defense; and if the circumstances of life cause her to find herself in such constraints and trials that it seems that she might want to vacillate and fall, the good acts that she has done take on the appearance of assailers, and they assail Us, so that the one who has loved Us and has had a succession of many good acts may not vacillate; and they run around the creature as supporters, that she may not give up in the trial. And suppose that there had been a sequence of acts done in Our Will—oh! then in each act there is a Divine value and virtue defending the creature. We see in each of her acts Our Will as though engaged, therefore We Ourselves make Ourselves defenders and supporters of she who has given life in her acts to Our Divine Fiat. Can We perhaps deny anything to Ourselves? Or disregard Our Will operating in the creature? No, no. Therefore, do not fear, but rather, abandon yourself like a little newborn in Our arms, that you may feel Our support and the protection of your very acts. …”