From the Calendar—June 3, 1925 Volume 17

[Jesus speaking] “Ah! My daughter, in spite of Redemption and the work of Sanctification, the sanctity in man is incomplete, and for some it is as though useless.  This says that if man does not turn back in order to take My Will as life, as rule and as food, to be purified, ennobled, divinized, and to take the first act of Creation, so as to take My Will as his inheritance, assigned to him by God, the very works of Redemption and Sanctification will not have their copious effects.  So, everything is in My Will—if man takes It, he takes everything.  It is one single point, which embraces and encloses the goods of Redemption and of Sanctification.  Even more, for one who lives in My Will, because he has taken the first point of Creation, all these goods serve him, not as remedy, as for those who do not do My Will, but as glory and as his special inheritance, carried upon earth by the Will of the Celestial Father in the Person of the Word.  And if I came upon earth, the first act was precisely this: to make known the Will of My Father, in order to bind It again to the creatures.  The pains, the humiliations, My hidden life and the whole immense sea of the pains of My Passion, were remedies, medicines, supports, light, in order to make My Will known, because, with this, I would have man, not only saved, but holy.  With My pains I placed him in safety; with My Will I gave him back the sanctity lost in the terrestrial Eden.  Had I not done this, My love, My work, would not have been complete as they were in Creation, because My Will alone has the virtue of rendering complete Our works toward the creatures, and the works of the creatures toward Us.  My Will makes one think differently; It makes one look at My Will in all created things, speak with the echo of My Will, operate through the veils of My Will.  In a word, one does everything, all at once, according to My Supreme Volition, while the other virtues act slowly, little by little.  My Redemption Itself, without the first act of My Will, serves to dress the deepest wounds; as medicine for man, so as not to let him die; as antidote, so as not to let him fall into hell.  Therefore, take to heart My Will alone, if you really want to love Me and make yourself a saint.”