While thinking about the Passion of Our Lord, I said to myself: “How I would like to enter the interior of Jesus Christ, to be able to see everything He did, and to see what was most pleasing to His Heart, so that I too may do it and mitigate His pains by offering Him what pleased Him the most.” While I was saying this, moving in my interior, blessed Jesus told me: “My daughter, My interior was occupied with those pains primarily to satisfy My Dear Father in everything and for all, and then for the Redemption of souls. The thing that pleased My Heart the most was to see the Satisfaction that the Father showed to Me in seeing Me suffer so much for Love of Him, in such a way that He gathered everything within Himself – not even a breath or a sigh was dispersed, but He gathered everything in order to be satisfied and to show Me His Satisfaction. And I was so satisfied by this, that if I had nothing else, the sole Satisfaction of the Father was enough for Me to be satisfied in what I suffered; while, on the other hand, much – much of My Passion was dispersed on the part of creatures. And the Satisfaction of the Father was so great, that He poured, in torrents, the Treasures of His Divinity into My Humanity. Therefore, accompany My Passion in this way, for you will give Me much pleasure.”
Divine Will for every day of the year - November 5, 1925 Volume 18
I was fusing myself in the Holy Divine Volition according to my usual way; and while I was trying, as much as I could, to requite my Jesus with my little love for all that He has done in Redemption, my lovable and sweet Love, Jesus, moving in my interior, told me: “My daughter, with your flight in My Will, reach all the Sacraments instituted by Me; descend into the depths of them, to give Me your little requital of love. Oh! how many of My secret tears you will find, how many bitter sighs, how many suffocated moans of the Holy Spirit. His moaning is continuous, before the many disillusions of Our Love. The Sacraments were instituted in order to continue My Life on earth in the midst of My children. But, alas!, how many sorrows. This is why I feel the necessity of your little love. It may be small, but My Will will make it great. My Love does not tolerate for one who must live in My Will not to associate herself with My sorrows, and not to give Me her little requital of love for all that I have done and that I suffer. Therefore, My daughter, see how my love moans in the Sacraments.
“If I see a newborn being baptized, I cry with sorrow, because, while through Baptism I restore his innocence, I find My child again, I give back to him the rights over Creation which he had lost, I smile at him with Love and Satisfaction, I make the enemy flee from him, that he may no longer have any right over him, I entrust him to the Angels, and all of Heaven makes feast for him – soon My smile turns into sorrow, the feast into mourning. I see that the one who is baptized will be an enemy of Mine, a new Adam, and maybe even a lost soul. Oh! how My Love moans in each Baptism; especially, then, if one adds that the minister who is baptizing does not do it with that respect, dignity and decorum which befit a Sacrament that contains the New Regeneration. Ah! many times they pay more attention to a bagatelle, to whatever show, than to administering a Sacrament. So, My Love feels itself being pricked by the baptizer and by the one who is baptized, and it moans with unutterable moans. Would you not want, then, to give Me a requital of love, a loving moan, for each Baptism, so as to keep company with My sorrowful moans?
“Move on to the Sacrament of Confirmation. Ah! how many bitter sighs. While, through Confirmation, I restore his courage, I give back to him the lost strengths, rendering him invincible to all enemies and to his passions, and he is admitted to the ranks of the militia of his Creator, that he may fight for the acquisition of the Celestial Fatherland, and the Holy Spirit gives him His Loving Kiss again, lavishes a thousand Caresses on him, and offers Himself as the companion of his career – yet, many times He feels Himself being requited with the kiss of a traitor, His Caresses being despised, His Company shunned. How many moans, how many sighs for his return, how many secret Voices to the heart, for the one who shuns Him — to the point of tiring Himself from speaking. But – no, it is in vain. Therefore, do you not want to give your requital of love, your loving kiss, your company to the Holy Spirit, who moans because of so much neglection? …”
Divine Will for every day of the year - November 4, 1909 Volume 9
Having received Communion, I was saying to my adorable Jesus: “I am now tightly united with You – even more, I am identified with You. If we are one single thing, I leave my being in You, and I take Yours. So I leave You my mind, and I take Yours; I leave You my eyes, my mouth, my heart, my hands, my steps... Oh! how happy I will be from now on! I will think with Your Mind, I will look with Your Eyes, I will speak with Your Mouth, I will love with Your Heart, I will work with Your Hands, I will walk with Your Feet... And if something comes to me, I will say: "I left my being in Jesus and I took His own – go to Jesus, and He will answer you for me." Oh, how blissful I feel! Ah yes, I take from You also Your Beatitude, isn’t it true, Jesus? But, my Life and my Good, with Your Beatitude You render all Heaven blissful, while if I take Your Beatitude I make no one blissful.” And Jesus told me: "My daughter, you too, by taking all of My Being along with My Beatitude, can make others blissful. Why has My Being the virtue of beatifying? Because everything is harmony in Me, one virtue harmonizes with the other: Justice with Mercy, Sanctity with Beauty, Wisdom with Strength, Immensity with Depth and Height, and so with all the rest. Everything is Harmony in Me – nothing is discordant. These harmonies make Me blissful and I beatify all those who draw near Me. So, as you take My Being, be careful that all virtues harmonize among themselves; and this Harmony will communicate Beatitude to whomever draws near you, because in seeing Goodness, Sweetness, Patience, Charity and Equality in everything in you, they will feel blissful being near you."
Divine Will for every day of the year - November 3, 1936 Volume 34
[Jesus speaking]
“…Therefore, listen to the Greatest Excess of the Love of My Volition. As the creature decides with immutable firmness to want to Live of My Will, letting It Reign and Dominate in her, Our Infinite Goodness is so much, Our Love that does not know how to resist a true decision of the creature—more so because It does not want to see acts dissimilar from Ours in her—listen to what It does. It covers everything that she has done up to then with My Will. It molds them, It Transforms them into Its Light in a way that everyone sees, with the Prodigy of Its Transforming Love, that everything is Its Will in the creature. And with Love all Divine, It continues to form Its Life and Its Acts in the creature. Is this not an Excessive and Amazing Love of My Volition? And together with this, of letting everyone decide, even the most ungrateful, of letting My Will Live in them, knowing that It wants to set everything aside, and cover and supply for what is lacking of My Will in them?
“This also absolutely says that Our Will wants to Reign in the midst of creatures, that It does not want to pay attention to anything, nor to what is lacking in them, wanting to give to them not as pay that It goes finding out if it is merited or not, but as Gratuitous Gift of Our Great Liberality, and as Completion of Our own Will. And the Completing of Our Will, is everything for Us.”
Divine Will for every day of the year - November 2, 1926 Volume 20
I continued my living in the Divine Fiat, and while doing my acts in It, I absorbed light; and as it formed its reflections, as many threads of light came out, that formed a net of light that extended over the earth in order to catch the creatures.
And Jesus, moving in my interior, told me: “My daughter, every time you go around in My Will, you take more light in order to form the net with which to catch the creatures. And do you know what this net is? It is My knowledges. The more knowledges I manifest to you about the Eternal Fiat, the more I dispose and expand the net in order to catch the souls who must live in My Kingdom; and this disposes the Lord to give them to you. When you go around in Our Will, by virtue of It, your acts become Light, and extend so much as to touch the Divinity and draw more light of truth into the midst of creatures.”
Then, while I continued my round in everything that has been done in the Supreme Will, I arrived at everything that my Celestial Mama had done in It, and I said to Her: “Sovereign Queen, I come to hide my little love in the Great Sea of your Love, my adoration toward God in the immense ocean of Yours. I hide my thanksgivings in the sea of Yours; I hide my supplications, my sighs, my tears and pains in the sea of yours, so that my sea of love and Yours may be one, my adoration and yours may be one, my thanksgivings may acquire the vastness of your own Expanses; my supplications, tears and pains may become one single sea with Yours, so that I too may have my seas of love, of adoration, etc.
“And just as your Sovereign Height impetrated with this the longed for Redeemer, so I too may present myself before the Divine Majesty with all these seas, in order to ask, to beseech—to implore the Kingdom of the Supreme Fiat. My Queen Mama, I must use your very Life, your very Seas of Love and of Graces, to conquer It to make It concede Its Kingdom upon earth, just as you conquered It to let the Eternal Word descend. Don’t you want to help your little daughter by giving me your Seas, so that I may obtain that the Kingdom of the Supreme Fiat come soon upon earth?”
Divine Will for every day of the year - November 1, 1915 Volume 11
This morning my sweet Jesus didn’t keep me waiting. He came, though panting and fidgeting; and throwing Himself in my arms, told me: "My daughter, give Me rest; let Me pour out My Love. If Justice wants Its outpouring, It can do it with all the creatures. But My Love can pour Itself out only with one who loves Me — with one who is wounded by My same Love and, delirious, keeps seeking to pour herself out within My Love, asking Me for more Love. And if My Love did not find a creature who would let Me pour Myself out, My Justice would ignite even more, giving the last blow to destroy the poor creatures."
As He was saying this, He kissed me again and again, telling me: "I love you, but with an Eternal Love; I love you, but with an Immense Love; I love you, but with an Incomprehensible Love; I love you, but with a Love that will have no limits and no end; I love you, but with a love that you will never be able to match..." Who can say all the titles with which Jesus was saying that He loved me? And for every title which He said, He waited for my answer. Not knowing what to say, and not having sufficient titles to match Him, I told Him: “My Life, You know that I have nothing; and whatever I do, I take from You, and I leave it to You again, so that my things, remaining in You, may have continuous action and life in You, while I remain always a nothing. So, I take Your Love, I make It my own and I tell You: ‘I love You with an eternal and immense Love; with a Love that has no limits and no ends, and that is equal to Yours.’’ And I kissed Him again and again. As I kept saying, “I love You,” Jesus became calm, took rest, and disappeared.
Then, He returned and showed His Most Holy Humanity beaten up, wounded, dislocated — all blood. I remained horrified, and Jesus told me: "My daughter, look: I keep in Me all the poor wounded ones, who are under the bullets, and I suffer together with them. I want that you too take part in these pains, for their salvation." And as Jesus transformed Himself into me, I felt... now grieving, now agonizing. In sum, I felt what Jesus felt.
Divine Will for every day of the year - October 31, 1906 Volume 7
Continuing in my usual state, blessed Jesus came in passing, and told me only this: "My daughter, each suffering that the soul suffers is one more dominion that she acquires over herself. In fact, patience in suffering is regime, and by ruling herself, the more she suffers, the more dominion she acquires. She does nothing but expand and enlarge her kingdom of Heaven, acquiring immense riches for Eternal Life. So, for each additional pain you suffer, consider that you acquire one more kingdom in your soul – a Kingdom of Grace, which corresponds to a Kingdom of Virtue and of Glory."
Divine Will for every day of the year - October 30, 1922 Volume 14
Continuing in my usual state, my always adorable Jesus came, and plunging me into the immense Light of His Most Holy Will, told me: "My daughter, look at the prodigies of the creature operating in My Will. As she enters into My Will and thinks, prays, works..., she rises with Me. And since I Am Voice without word, My Voice is formed and reaches each heart according to its own needs, and in many different ways and languages which are in the creatures, in such a way that all can understand Me. I Am Work without hands, and therefore I Am Work of each one; I Am Step without feet, in such a way that wherever I go I find Myself in Act. In the same way, the soul, by operating in My Will, becomes voice without word, work without hands, step without feet, and I feel her flowing in My Voice, in My Works and in My Steps — I feel her everywhere. And as I feel her always together with Me, I no longer feel lonely; and since I love the company of the creature very much, taken by Love for her, I Divinize her, I enrich her, and I give her such graces as to astonish Heaven and earth."
Divine Will for every day of the year - October 29, 1914 Volume 11
I was lamenting with blessed Jesus because of His privations, and my poor, oppressed heart was in delirium. Speaking nonsense, I told Him: “My Love, how is it? Did You forget that I don’t know how to be without You — nor can I? Either with You on earth, or with You in Heaven. Do You perhaps want me to remind You of this? Do You want to be silent, asleep, troubled? Then do so — as long as You remain always with me. But I feel that You put me out of your Heart... Ah, did You have the heart to do this?”
But as I was saying this and other nonsense, my sweet Jesus moved in my interior and told me: "My daughter, calm down; I am here. To say that I put you out of My Heart is an insult that you make to Me, when I keep you in the depth of My Heart — so tightly that all of My Being flows in you, and yours in Me. Therefore, be attentive so that nothing of My Being which flows within you may escape you, and that each one of your acts may be united with My Will, since My Will contains completely accomplished Acts. One single Act of My Will is enough to create a thousand worlds, all Perfect and Complete. I do not need subsequent acts — One is enough for all. Therefore, in doing the simplest act united with My Will, you will give Me a Complete Act — that is, an Act of Love, of Praise, of Thanksgiving, of Reparation. In sum, you will enclose Me completely in this Act; or better still, you will enclose Me and give Myself to Me.
“Ah, yes — only these acts united with My Will can stand before Me and be worthy of Me, since Perfect and Complete Acts are needed for a Perfect Being who does not know how to do incomplete acts, in order to give Him honor and satisfaction. Only in My Will will the creature find these Perfect and Complete Acts. Outside of My Will, no matter how good her acts might be, they will always be imperfect and incomplete, since the creature needs subsequent acts in order to perfect and complete a work — if she manages at all. Therefore, all that the creature does outside of My Will is looked on by me as a trifle. So, may My Will be your Life, your Rule, your All. In this way, enclosing My Will, you will be in Me and I in you; and you’ll be careful not to say ever again that I put you out of My Heart."
Divine Will for every day of the year - October 28, 1928 Volume 25
After this, I was thinking about today’s feast—that is, the Feast of Christ the King; and my sweet Jesus, moving in my interior, told me: “My daughter, the Church does nothing but intuitively grasp what She must know on My Divine Will and how Its Kingdom must come. Therefore, this Feast is the prelude of the Kingdom of My Divine Fiat. Indeed, the Church is doing nothing other than honoring My Humanity with those titles that, by right, are due to It; and when She has given Me all the honors that befit Me, She will move on to honor and to institute the Feast to the Kingdom of My Divine Will, by which My Humanity was animated.
“The Church proceeds step by step, and now She institutes the Feast to My Heart, now She consecrates the century, in all solemnity, to Christ the Redeemer, and now She moves on, with greater solemnity, to institute the Feast to Christ the King. Christ the King means that He must have His Kingdom, He must have peoples worthy of such a King. And who will ever be able to form for Me this Kingdom if not My Will? Then, yes, will I be able to say: ‘I have My people—My Fiat has formed it for Me.’
“Oh! if the leaders of the Church knew what I have manifested to you about My Divine Will, what I want to do, Its Great Prodigies, My yearnings, My sorrowful Heartbeats, My anguishing Sighs, for I want My Will to Reign, to make everyone happy, to restore the human family—they would feel that in this Feast of Christ the King is nothing other than the secret echo of My Heart that, echoing in them, without their knowing it, has them institute for Me the Feast of Christ the King in order to call their attention and reflection: Christ the King.... And His true people—where are they?
“And they would say: ‘Let us hasten to make His Divine Will known; let us let It Reign, that we may give a people to Christ the King, whom we have called so. Otherwise, we have honored Him with words, but not with facts.’”
Divine Will for every day of the year - October 27, 1935 Volume 33
I feel in me the Power of the Supreme Volition, but so much, that It wants that I undergo in my little acts the Power of Its Divine Act. But while It wants it, It wants to be called by the creature. It does not want to be an intruder, nor to enter by force, but It wants that she know It. And the human volition, giving the kiss to the Divine Volition, cedes the place to Its Operation, and she places herself in cortege to the Divine Act, feeling herself honored that a Divine Volition has Operated in her act.
My mind lost itself, and O! how many things it understood, but incapable of being able to repeat them with words. And my beloved Jesus, all Goodness, told me: “My blessed daughter, you have not yet understood what My Will Operating in the human act of the creature means. It descends into the human act with Its Creative Power, with Its Majesty, with Its Light, and with Its Luxury of Innumerable Graces. And pouring Itself out again into the human act, It makes use of Its Power and It Creates Its Act in it, and the human act remains as material that It has made use of in order to Create Its Act. And to Create means that It Creates as many Acts for however many Acts It wants to Create, and sometimes It Creates as many for however many creatures are disposed who can receive Its Act in which are contained Unheard-of Prodigies of Grace, of Light, of Love. It contains the Palpitating and Creating Life of a Divine Volition.
“This is the reason why, having to do an Act so Great, It does not want to do it if the creature does not know it and she herself does not yearn and want it. She calls It to undergo in her act Its Creative Will of a Volition so Holy and Powerful. What difference, My daughter, between one who operates good, prays, because she feels the duty of doing it, or that necessity imposes itself, or else she suffers because she cannot free herself. For however good, they are always human acts without the virtue of multiplying themselves however much they want; they do not possess the Fullness of Goods, nor of Sanctity, nor of Love, and at times they are mixed with the most vile passions, because the Creative Strength of the One who Creates Good, and knows how to and can undo Itself from everything that does not pertain to Its Sanctity, is lacking. In fact, the soul who lets My Divine Will Operate in her act, gives the field to the Continuous Creation, and O! how It feels Glorified, Loved, because It can Create what It wants in her act. It feels the Sovereignty, Its Dominion, the Royalty recognized, Loved and respected. Therefore, the Heavens are shaken and everyone is attentive and in the act of profound adoration when they see My Divine Will Creating in the act of the creature.
“O! if creatures would know what it means to Live in My Divine Volition, they would compete to Live in It, and It would be populated with children of My Will. And since in Mine the human will feels incapable of operating, it would do nothing other than undergo the continuity of Acts of Divine Volition. And it is the continuation of Acts of a Good that forms the Order, the Harmony, the Diversity of the Beauties that forms the enchantment and the formation of the Life and of the Good that one wants to acquire. Is not Our own Life perhaps continuous repetition? We always Love, We repeat the Conservation of the universe, and with this We maintain the Order, the Harmony, the life of the universe. O! if We did not always repeat, even for an instant, one would see chaos in all things. Therefore always in My Will repeat your continuous little refrains, always undergoing My Will in your acts, such that It would repeat in you Its Creating Act, so It will be able to form not only the act, but the Fullness of Its Life.”
After this, I thought about everything that regards the Divine Will, and I said to myself: “Is it possible that the creature can arrive at so much?”
And my sweet Jesus, repeating His say, told me: “My daughter, you must know that no sooner does the creature truly decide to want to Live in My Divine Will, and at whatever cost to never do her own, than My Fiat, with an Indescribable Love, forms the seed of Its Life in the depth of the soul. This has such Power, such Sanctity, that It does not grow if It does not first place the soul in order, freeing her from her weaknesses, miseries and stains if there are any. One can say that It forms purgatory in advance, purging her from everything that could impede that a Life of Divine Will would form in her, because My Will and sins cannot exist, nor be together. At the most some apparent weakness could be possible, that with Its Light and Heat becomes immediately Purified. It always has the Purificative Act in Its Hands, such that there cannot be one hindrance in the soul that could impede It not only of growing, but of developing Its Acts in the acts of the creature.
“Therefore, the first thing that My Will does is to remove purgatory beforehand, making it done in advance in order to be freer to make her Live in My Will, and to form Its Life as pleases It more. So if the creature were to die after one decided and wanted act of Living in My Volition, she will take flight toward Heaven. Rather My Will Itself will carry her in Its Arms of Light as Triumph, as Its Birth, and as Its dear child. And if this could not be, one could not be able to say: ‘Your Will be done on earth as It is in Heaven.’ It would be a way of speaking, not a reality. Because It Reigns in Heaven, there are neither sins nor fear of purgatory. It knows how to get rid of everything, because It wants to be alone in Its place, Ruling and Dominating.”
Divine Will for every day of the year - October 26, 1926 Volume 20
As I continued to unite myself with the acts that Jesus did in Redemption, my always lovable Jesus told me: “My daughter, see how all the acts I did in redeeming man, and even the miracles I performed during My Public Life, had no other purpose but to call back the Kingdom of the Supreme Fiat into the midst of creatures; and in the act of doing them, I asked My Celestial Father to make It known and to restore It in the midst of the human generations. If I gave sight to the blind, My first act was to put to flight the darkness of the human will—the primary cause of the blindness of the soul and of the body, so that the light of My Will might illuminate the souls of many blind, and they might obtain the sight to look at My Will in order to love It, and their bodies also might be exempt from losing the sight.
“If I gave hearing to the deaf, first I asked My Father that they might acquire the hearing to hear the voices, the knowledges, the prodigies of My Divine Will, so that It might enter into their hearts as the way in order to dominate them, and there might be no more deaf in the world—either in the soul or in the body. Also in the dead I resurrected, I asked that souls might rise again in My Eternal Will—even those that were putrefied, and made more than cadavers by the human will. And when I took the ropes to drive the profaners out of the temple, it was the human will that I was driving out, so that Mine might enter, reigning and dominating, and they might be truly rich in their souls and no longer subject to natural poverty. And even when, triumphant, I entered into Jerusalem, in the midst of the triumph of the crowds, surrounded with honor and glory, it was the triumph of My Will that I established in the midst of the peoples.
“There was no act I did while being on earth in which I did not place My Will as Prime Act to be established once again in the midst of creatures, because that was the thing I most cared for. If it were not so, or if I did not do so—if in everything I worked and suffered I did not have the Kingdom of the Supreme Fiat as Prime Act to be restored in the midst of creatures—My coming upon earth would have brought a half good to the generations—not a complete one, and the glory of My Celestial Father would not have been completely reintegrated by Me. In fact, since My Will is the origin of every good and the only purpose of Creation and Redemption, It is therefore the ultimate fulfillment of all Our Works. Without It, Our Most Beautiful Works remain within a frame and without completion, because It alone is the crown of Our Works and the seal that Our Work is complete. Therefore, for the Honor and Glory of the very Work of Redemption, It was to have, as Prime Act, the purpose of the Kingdom of My Will.”
Divine Will for every day of the year - October 25, 1904 Volume 6
Continuing in my usual state, after I struggled very much, He came. As soon as I saw Him, I said: “The Word was made flesh and dwelt among us.” And blessed Jesus added: “The Verbum took flesh, but did not remain flesh — He remained as He was; and just as ‘verbum’ means ‘word’ and there is nothing that has more influence than the word, ‘The Word’ means manifestation, communication, Divine Union with the human. So, if the Word had not taken flesh, there would have been no other means to be able to unite God and man.” Having said this, He disappeared.
Divine Will for every day of the year - October 24, 1905 Volume 6
While considering my misery, the weakness of human nature, I felt I was an object so very abominable to myself, and I imagined how much more abominable I am before God; and I said to myself: “Lord, how ugly the human nature has become.” Now, coming for just a little, He told me: “Nothing has come out of My Hands which is not Good; on the contrary, I created the human nature beautiful and striking, and if the soul sees it as muddy, rotten, weak, abominable, this serves the human nature like manure serves the earth. One who does not understand what it is all about, would say: ‘This one is crazy, for he smears the earth with this filth’; while one who understands, knows that that filth serves to fecundate the earth, to make the plants grow, and to render the fruits more beautiful and tasty. So, I created the human nature with these miseries to reorder in it the order of all virtues; otherwise it would remain without the exercise of true virtues.” Then I saw in my mind the human nature as though full of holes, and in these holes there was rot, mud; and from within them branches loaded with flowers and fruits were coming out. So I comprehended that everything is in the use we make, even of miseries themselves.
Divine Will for every day of the year - October 23, 1911 Volume 10
This morning my always lovable Jesus came, but who can say how much in suffering He makes Himself seen! It seems that He feels within Himself all the pains of the creatures, and they are so many that He looks for refreshment and relief. Now, after keeping Him with me in silence, telling Him my nonsense of love as refreshment, and adding kisses and caresses, it seemed He was relieved; and then He told me: "My daughter, let the life of your heart be all love; let nothing else enter into it, because I want to take food from within your heart, and if I do not find it all love, it will not be enjoyable food for Me. As for the other parts of you, you can give to each one its office – that is, to your mind, to your mouth, to your feet, to all of your senses; to some adoration, to some reparation, to some praise, thanksgiving and all the rest. But from your heart I want love only."
Divine Will for every day of the year - October 22, 1933 Volume 32
I felt little, little, so much as to not know how to move a step, and having received Holy Communion, I felt the need, being little, of taking refuge in the arms of Jesus in order to tell Him: “I love You, I love You very much,” not knowing how to say anything else, being such a rather ignorant one.
But my sweet Jesus waited that I would tell Him more, and I added: “Jesus, I love You together with the Love of Our Celestial Mama.”
And Jesus told me: “How sweet, refreshing, it is to Me to feel Myself Loved together with the Love of the daughter and of Our Mama. I feel Her Maternal Tendernesses, Her Outpourings of Love, Her chaste embraces, Her ardent kisses that, pouring themselves into the daughter, Mama and daughter Love Me, they kiss Me, and they clasp Me in their arms with a single embrace. To find together with My Celestial Mama the daughter who wants to Love Me, and she Loves Me as My Mama Loves Me, are My most dear Delights, My Outpourings of Love, and I find the most welcome Exchange for so many Excesses of My Love. But, tell Me, together with who else do you want to Love Me?”
And He was silent, waiting that I would tell Him together with someone else that I wanted to Love Him.
And I, almost a little embarrassed, added: “My Divine Jesus, I want to love You together with the Father and with the Holy Spirit.”
But it seemed that He was not yet content.
And I: “I want to love You together with all the Angels and Saints.”
And He: “And with who else?”
“With all the wayfarers even to the last creature who will exist on the earth. I want to bring You everyone and everything, even the sky, the sun, the wind, the sea, in order to love You together with everyone.” And Jesus all Love, because it seemed that He could not contain the Flames, added: “My daughter, here is My Heaven in the creature: The Sacrosanct Trinity who cedes Its Love in order to Love Me together with her. The Angels and Saints who compete to cede their Love in order to Love Me together with her. This is the Great Act, to bring everyone into the All that is God, and the All into everyone. Your littleness, your infant ways in My Divine Will, embrace everyone and everything. You want to give Me everything, even the Adorable Trinity Itself, and since you are little, no one wants to deny you anything, rather they unite themselves with you and they Love together with the little tiny one. And by bringing Me everyone into the All, and by Loving Me, you diffuse the All into everyone. My Love being Bond of Union and of Inseparability, I find everything in the soul: My Paradise, My Works, and everything. And I can say: ‘Nothing is lacking to Me, neither Heaven, nor My Celestial Mama, nor the Cortege of the Angels and Saints; all are with Me, and all Love Me.’ These are the stratagems and Loving Industries of the one who Loves Me, and who calls everyone; she asks for Love from everyone in order to Love Me and make Me Loved by everyone.”
Divine Will for every day of the year - October 21, 1925 Volume 18
… Then, I was continuing the fusing of myself in the Divine Will, feeling sorrow for each offense which has ever been given to my Jesus, from the first to the last man who will come upon earth. And while feeling sorrow, I asked for forgiveness. But while I was doing this, I said to myself: “My Jesus, my Love, it is not enough for me to feel sorrow and to ask for forgiveness, but I would like to annihilate any sin, so that You may never – never again be offended.” And Jesus, moving in my interior, told me: “My daughter, I had a special Sorrow for each sin, and upon My Sorrow hung the pardon for the sinner. Now, this Sorrow of Mine is suspended in My Will, waiting for the sinner when he offends Me, so that, as he feels sorrow for having offended Me, My Sorrow may descend to feel sorrow together with his, and immediately grant him forgiveness. But, how many offend Me and do not feel sorrow? So, My Sorrow and forgiveness are suspended in My Will, and as though isolated. Thank you, My daughter, for coming into My Will to keep company with My Sorrow and with My Forgiveness. Please continue to go around in My Will; and making My Sorrow your own, cry out, for each offense: ‘Sorrow! Forgiveness!’ so that I may not be the only One who feels sorrow and impetrates forgiveness, but I may have the company of the little daughter of My Will, who feels sorrow together with Me.”
Divine Will for every day of the year - October 20, 1916 Volume 11
I was fusing myself in the Divine Will and the thought came to me of commending to It various people in a special way; and blessed Jesus told me: "My daughter, specificity goes by itself even if you should not place any intention. In the order of Grace it happens as in the natural order: the sun gives light to all, yet not everyone enjoys the same effects; however, this is not because of the sun, but because of creatures. One uses the light of the sun in order to work, to be industrious, to learn, to appreciate things; this one makes herself rich, she constitutes herself, and does not go around begging for bread from others. Someone else, then, keeps lazing about, she does not want to meddle in anything, the light of the sun inundates her everywhere but for her it is useless, she wants to do nothing with it. This one is poor and sickly because sloth produces many evils, physical and moral, and if she feels hungry, she needs to beg for someone else’s bread. Now, is the light of the sun perhaps responsible for these two? Or, does it give more to one and less to the other? Certainly not; the only difference is that one takes advantage of the light in a special way, while the other does not. Now, the same happens in the order of Grace which, more than light, inundates souls, and now It makes Itself all voice to call them, voice to instruct them and to correct them; now It makes Itself fire and burns away from them the things of down here, and with Its flames It puts to flight creatures and pleasures from them, and with Its burns It forms pains and crosses in order to give to the soul the shape of sanctity It wants from her; now It makes Itself water, and purifies her, embellishes her and impregnates her completely with Grace. But who is attentive on receiving all these flows of Grace – who corresponds to Me? Ah, too few! And then some dare to say that to these I give Grace for them to make themselves saints, and to others I do not, almost wanting to hold Me responsible, while they content themselves with conducting their lives lazing about, as if the light of Grace were not there for them."
Then He added: "My daughter, I love the creature so much, that I Myself have placed Myself as sentry of each heart to watch them, to defend them and to work their sanctification with My own hands. But to how many bitternesses do they not subject Me? Some reject Me, some do not care about Me and despise Me, some lament about My surveillance, some slam the door in My Face, rendering My Work useless. And I not only placed Myself to act as sentry, but on purpose do I choose the souls who live of My Will. In fact, since they are present in all of Me, I place them with Me as a second sentry of each heart. These second sentries console Me, repay Me for them, and keep Me company in the loneliness into which many hearts force Me; and they force Me not to leave them. Greater grace I could not give to creatures, by giving them these souls who live of My Will, who are the portent of portents."
Divine Will for every day of the year - October 19, 1922 Volume 14
“… Listen, My daughter, regenerated in My Supreme Volition, to what I want to make of you and in you: I want to repeat that which My Humanity did in the Divine Will, but I want your will united with Mine, so that you may repeat together with Me what I did, and still do. In My Will there are all the acts which My Humanity did, both exterior and interior. Of My exterior acts, it is more or less known what I did; and if the creature wants it, she can unite with Me and share in the good I did. And I feel contentment because I see My Good in the midst of creatures as though multiplied by virtue of the union they form with Me; My Acts are as though placed on a counter, and I collect the interest. On the other hand, little or nothing is known of the interior acts which My Humanity did in the Divine Will for love of all. So, how can the creature unite with Me and share in that good, if she knows neither the Power of this Will, nor how My Soul operated in It, nor what I did? Knowledge brings with itself the value, the effects, the life of that good. …”
Divine Will for every day of the year - October 18, 1929 Volume 27
I felt myself in the immensity of the light of the Divine Fiat, and in this light one could see the whole Creation lined up as a birth from It; and wanting to delight in Its Works, it seemed as if It were in the act of creating them and of always making them by preserving them.
And my lovable Jesus, coming out from within my interior in the act of looking at the Creation to glorify Himself by means of His works, told me: “My daughter, how beautiful is Creation—how It glorifies Us, how It magnifies the Power of Our Fiat. It is nothing but one single act of Our Divine Volition, and though many things can be seen, one different from the other, they are nothing but the effects of Its single Act, that never ceases and contains Its continuous Operating act. And since Our Act possesses by nature, as Its own exclusive Property, Light, Immensity, Empire and Multiplicity of innumerable Effects, it is no wonder, then, that as Our Fiat formed Its single Act, from it came out immensity of heavens, most refulgent sun, vastness of sea, ruling wind, beauty of flowering, species of every kind; and power, such that, as if all Creation were a light breath, a little feather, It keeps It suspended, without any support, enclosed only in Its Creative Strength. Oh! Power of My Fiat—how insuperable and unreachable You are!
“Now, you must know that only in the soul in whom My Divine Will reigns, since It reigns in all Creation, what the soul does unites itself to the single Act that My Will does in the Creation, to receive the deposit of all the good that was done in It. In fact, this great machine of the universe was done in order to give It to the creature—but to that creature who would let Our Divine Volition reign. It is right that We do not go out of Our established Purpose, and that the creature recognize and receive Our Gift. But how to receive it if she is not in Our house—that is, in Our Divine Will? She would lack the capacity to receive it and the space in which to contain it. Therefore, only one who possesses My Divine Will can receive it.
“My Will delights with Its single Act, as if It were in the act of creating for Love of her; It makes her feel Its continuous Act of creating the heavens, the sun and everything, and says to her: ‘See how much I love you—only for you I continue to create all things; and to receive the requital from you, I make use of your acts as material in order to extend the heavens, as material of light in order to form the sun; and so with all the rest. The more acts you do in My Fiat, the more material you administer to Me with which to form more beautiful things in you.’ Therefore, let your flight in My Will never stop, and I will take the occasion to always operate in you.”