Divine Will for every day of the year - March 25, 1928 Volume 24

… Now, while I was thinking of this, my always lovable Jesus moved in my interior and, all love, told me: “My daughter, you must know that as man withdrew from Our Will, Our Paternal Goodness withdrew Its Operating Life from the midst of creatures. This is why they have been able to say very little about It—because the sea of the Operating Light of My Divine Fiat was not flowing in them as Life, because they themselves, ungratefully, had rejected It. And out of Our highest Goodness, We left to them the good of being able to follow the orders of Our Will—not the Life—in which they could hope for their salvation, because without It there is neither salvation nor sanctity.

“But Our Paternal Goodness, Our Will and Our Love desired, longed for—strongly yearned for Its return as Operating Life into the midst of creatures. We saw that they could not reach the perfect purpose of Creation, nor form the image wanted by Us— completely in Our Likeness, just as We created them—without the Operating Life of Our Fiat, because Our Fiat is the Prime Act of the creature, and if It is missing in her, she remains disordered, counterfeit, because she lacks the Prime Act of her existence.

“Now, you must know that, after many centuries of hidden sighs, Our Supreme Being gushed out more intensely with Love— more than in the very Creation and Redemption. As Our Love, gushing out, overflowed from Us, We felt the need of Love to take the first steps toward the creature. So, as I began to manifest to you the first Truths about My Divine Will, I pushed It strongly to take the first steps into the midst of creatures; and I centralized these steps in you by means of Its Knowledges. And as I saw that you would place your steps in those of the Divine Fiat, I rejoiced, I made feast, and manifesting to you more Truths about It, I would push It to take yet more steps.

“Therefore, as many Truths as I have told you about My Will, so many are the steps that I made My Fiat take in order to make It return as Operating Life into the midst of creatures. This is why I have told you so many of them, that one can say that Heaven and earth are filled with the steps of the Knowledges about My Will; and uniting together, they form the sea of Light in your soul, that wants to overflow from within you to make Its way into the midst of creatures. These steps will be multiplied according to how much the Truths about My Will will be recognized, because I never manifest a Truth if not when I want to give it as gift, giving the life and the good it contains. Therefore, until My Divine Will is known with all of Its Knowledges, Its steps will be hampered, and the good It wants to do to creatures suspended.

“If you knew how painful it is to be able to do good, placing oneself in the act of doing it, and having to keep it suspended because it is not known, waiting and waiting and longing for it to be made known so as to be relieved of the weight of the good that one wants to give—oh! how you would hasten to make known all the steps of My Fiat. More so, since they are steps that will bring, not remedies, helps or medicines—but Fullness of Life, of Light, of Sanctity and Totality of Goods; and My Love, gushing out and flooding the whole world, will restore the Order of Creation and the Dominion of My Will in the midst of the human family. …”

Divine Will for every day of the year - March 24, 1914 Volume 11

Continuing in my usual state, I was lamenting with Jesus who had not come yet. Finally He came and told me: "My daughter, My Will hides My very Humanity within Itself. This is why, sometimes, I hide My Humanity from you as I speak to you about My Will. You feel surrounded by Light; you can hear my voice but cannot see Me, because My Will absorbs My Humanity within Itself, since My Humanity has its limits while My Will is Eternal and without limits. In fact, when My Humanity was on earth, It did not cover all places, all times or all circumstances; however, My interminable Will compensated for It and arrived where My Humanity could not reach.. So, when I find souls who live completely from My Will, they compensate for My Humanity — for the times, for the places, the circumstances and even for the sufferings, because they live in My Will and therefore I can use them just as I used My Humanity. What was My Humanity, if not the organ of My Will? Such are those who do My Will."

Divine Will for every day of the year - March 23, 1931 Volume 29

My abandonment in the Divine Volition continues, but the circumstances in which I currently find myself are such and so many, that my poor human will would want to as though pop out from all sides of my being, to have some act of life, and I feel all the enormous weight; I feel myself being pressed, crushed, under my human will. Oh! how true it is that it is the cruelest tyrant. My Jesus, help me, do not abandon me, do not leave me at the mercy of my will. If You want, You can; put it under the sweet empire of Your Divine Will.

And my beloved Jesus, making Himself seen and heard, told me: “My daughter, courage, do not worry so much; to feel the weight of one’s will says nothing; it is a pain more painful than all other pains, and if you had wanted it, it would no longer be pain, but the pain would change into satisfaction. To feel is one thing, to want is another; so, banish the thought that you always commit sins because you feel your will. Therefore, do not fear, I am watching you, and when I see that it wants life in your things, I give you the pain so as to make it die of pain. So, trust your Jesus, because what harms you the most is the lack of trust. Ah! it is always this that causes souls to be restless, even when I keep them clasped in My arms. And then, this pain of feeling the weight of the human will, oh! how much did your Jesus feel it, more vividly, as it lasted My whole life. Therefore, Mine and yours—let us unite them together, and let us offer them for the triumph of My Will in souls.

“So, put everything aside and come to rest in My Divine Will. My Will, with all Love, awaits you in the center of My Heart in order to Love you, and the most beautiful Love that It wants to give you is rest in the pains that you suffer. Oh! how sweet, refreshing, it is to see Our daughter, whom We love and who loves Us, rest. And while she rests, It wants to pour upon you the Celestial Dew of the Light of My Divine Will. My Will, in the Unity of Its Light, does always one Act, nor does It ever cease doing it; and only when it is not subject to interruption—then can an act be called Complete. This Act never interrupted says everything, embraces, loves all; from Its height, in which this Act never says enough, It casts an infinity of effects, that make It hold Heaven and earth as though in Its Power, and It communicates to creatures the Celestial Dew of the effects of Its Sanctity, of Its Love and of Its Divine Life. But these effects convert for the creature into acts, in such a way that she feels within herself the act of the Divine Life, of Light, of Sanctity, of Love; and the creature who lives in My Will forms in It her life, her nourishment, and grows under the rain of the Celestial Dew of the single Act of her Creator. And these effects, changed into acts in the creature, form her little sun that, with its little reflections, says: ‘Love, glory, continuous honor, to the One who created me.’ So, the Divine Sun and the sun formed by My Divine Will in the creature meet continuously, they wound each other; the little sun is transformed into the immense Sun of the Eternal One, and they form life together, loving each other with love reciprocal and never interrupted. This continuous love inebriates and puts to sleep the human volition, and gives the most beautiful rest to the creature. …”

Divine Will for every day of the year - March 22, 1919 Volume 12

As I was in my usual state, I found myself outside of myself, and I could see all the order of created things. And my sweet Jesus told me: "My daughter, see what harmony, what order in all created things, and how all of them came out to life from the Eternal FIAT. Everything cost Me a FIAT. The most tiny star as well as the refulgent and splendid Sun, the most tiny plant just as the great tree, the most tiny insect just as the largest animal — they all seem to say among themselves: ‘We are noble creatures. Our origin is the Eternal Volition; we all carry the mark of the Supreme FIAT. It is true that we are distinct and different from one another; we have diversity of office, of light, of heat, but this says nothing: one is our value — the FIAT of a God; one our life and preservation — the FIAT of the Eternal Majesty...’ Oh, how eloquently does Creation speak of the Power of My Will, teaching that from the greatest thing to the smallest, one is the value, because they have life from the Divine Volition! In fact, a star would say to the Sun: ‘It is true that you have much light and heat; your office is great, your goods immense. The earth almost depends on you, so much so, that I do nothing in comparison to you. But the FIAT of a God made you so; therefore our values are equal — the glory which we give to our Creator is completely similar.’"

Then He added in a more afflicted tone: "It was not so in creating man. It is true that his origin is My FIAT, but this was not enough for Me. Taken by excess of love, I breathed on him, wanting to infuse in him My own Life. I endowed him with reason; I made him free, and I constituted him king of the whole Creation. But man, ungrateful — how did he correspond to Me? Amid all Creation, he alone has become the sorrow of My Heart, the clashing note. And then, how much could I tell you about My Crafting in the sanctification of souls? Not only one FIAT, not My Breath, do I place at their disposal, but My very Life, My Love, My Wisdom. Yet, how many rejections, how many defeats My Love receives! Ah, My daughter, compassionate My hard sorrow, and come into My Will to substitute for the love of the whole human family, so as to soothe My pierced Heart!"

Divine Will for every day of the year - March 21, 1922 Volume 14

Continuing in my usual state, I was thinking over the Holy Divine Volition, and my always adorable Jesus clasped me in His arms, and as He sighed intensely, I felt His breath descend deep into my heart. Then He told me: "Daughter of My Will, My Omnipotent Breath gives you the Life of My Will. In fact, for one who does My Will, My Will administers to her Its Breath as Life; and as Its breathes upon her, It moves away from her all that does not belong to Me, and she breathes nothing but the air of My Will. And just as the air is inhaled and exhaled, the same for the soul: it is a continuous receiving of Myself and giving of herself to Me at each breath.

“My Will hovers over all Creation — there is nothing in which My Volition does not have Its seal. As I pronounced the FIAT in creating things, My Will took dominion over them, and became life and preservation of all things. Now, this Will of Mine wants all things to be enclosed within Itself in order to receive the return for Its own Noble and Divine Acts. It wants to see the air, the wind, the fragrance, the light of Its Volition hover over all human acts, in such a way that, as Its Acts hover together with those of the creatures, they may fuse together and form one single thing. This alone was the purpose of Creation — that the emanations of the wills be continuous. I want it, I demand it, I await it.

“This is why I am in such a haste that My Will, Its value and Its effects become known — so that, as the souls who live in My Will do their acts, through their continuous emanations in My Will, they will diffuse them over everything like air, and their acts will multiply in all the human acts, investing and covering everything, as acts of My Will. Then will I obtain the purpose of Creation; My Will will rest in them and will form the new generation, and all things will have the double seal of My Will: the FIAT of Creation, and the echo of My FIAT in the creatures."

Divine Will for every day of the year - March 20, 1932 Volume 30

… Then, I continued to think about the Divine Will, and I abandoned all of myself in Its Divine Arms; and my beloved Jesus added: “Good daughter, you must know that My Divine Will possesses and contains everything within Itself—all the Joys, all the Beauties; everything comes from It, and without dispersing anything, It contains everything within Itself. It can be said that It carries everyone and everything within Its Immense Womb of Light. So, all live in It—with this difference: that one who, with all her will, wants to Live in It and lets herself be subdued by Its Dominion, Lives as daughter, and, as daughter, is constituted Heiress of the Joys, of the Beauties, of the Goods of her Mother, in such a way that this Divine Mother is all intent on embellishing, enriching, and making her daughter rejoice; while one who wants to live of human will and does not let herself be subdued by Its Dominion, lives in this Holy Will, yet lives, not as daughter, but like a stranger, and all the Joys convert for the creature into bitterness, Riches into poverty, Beauties into ugliness. In fact, by living like a stranger, she lives as though apart from the Goods that My Divine Will possesses, and, rightly so, she deserves to possess nothing Good; her human will that subdues her gives her what it has—passions, weaknesses, miseries. Nothing escapes My Divine Will—not even hell; and since they did not love It in life, living like members detached from It—but always inside, not outside—now, in those gloomy prisons, the Joys, the Happiness, the Beatitudes of My Divine Will convert into pains and into eternal torments. Therefore, the Living in My Will is not new, as some believe—all live in It, good and bad; if something can be called New, it is the way of Living, recognizing It as Continuous Act of one’s life, giving It Dominion in all of one’s acts. In fact, the Living in It is the Sanctity of each instant that the creature receives; it can be said that she grows continuously in Sanctity—but Sanctity fed by My Will, raised together with It; so, she feels My Will as Life more than her own life.

“On the other hand, one who does not Live in It, though she is there inside, does not recognize It in each of her acts, and Lives as if she Lived far away from It and did not receive the Continuous Act of Its Life, even though she does receive it. In this way, not the Sanctity of Living in My Will is formed, but, at most, the sanctity of circumstances. So, they remember about My Divine Will when a need, a sorrow, a cross, oppresses them. You hear them exclaim: ‘The Divine Will be done.’ And in all the rest of their lives, where was My Will? Was It not already with them, contributing to all their acts? It was there, but they did not recognize It.

“It happens as to a mother who lives in her palace, and who has given birth to many children. Some of them remain always around the mother, who instills in the children her noble manners, nourishes them with delicate and good foods, dresses them with decent clothes, entrusts to them her secrets and makes them heirs of her goods. It can be said that the mother lives in the children, and the children in the mother; they make each other happy, and love each other with inseparable love.

“The other children live in their mother’s palace, but are not always around her; they find pleasure in living in rooms far off from that of the mother, therefore they do not learn her noble manners, they do not dress with decency; the foods that they take do them more harm than good; and if sometimes they go to their mother, it is not out of love, but out of need. Hence, the great difference between these two kinds of children; but in spite of this, both the first and the second live in the palace of the mother. So it is—all live in My Will, but only one who wants to Live in It Lives as a son with his Mother; all others, even though they live in It, don’t even know It; others live like strangers; others know It to offend It.”

Divine Will for every day of the year - March 19, 1901 Volume 4

This morning, as I was all oppressed and in suffering, much more so, because of the privation of my sweet Jesus, after much waiting, I saw Him for just a little and He told me: "My daughter, the true way of suffering is in not looking at whom the sufferings come from, or at that which one suffers, but at the good that must come from those sufferings. This was My way of Suffering. I looked neither at the executioners, nor at the suffering, but at the good I intended to do by means of My Suffering, also for the very ones who gave Me suffering. And looking at the good that was to come to men, I disregarded everything else, and with intrepidness I followed the course of My Suffering. My daughter, this is the easiest and most profitable way to suffer — not only with patience, but with unconquered and courageous heart."

Divine Will for every day of the year - March 18, 1903 Volume 4

This morning, as the confessor asked me whether I felt the desire to suffer, I answered him: “Yes.” But I felt more tranquil and enjoyed more peace and contentment when I wanted nothing but what God wants — therefore I wanted to stop in It. Then, afterwards, when blessed Jesus came, He told me: "My daughter, you have chosen the optimum, because one who is always in My Will binds Me in such a way as to make a continuous Virtue come out of Me which keeps her in continuous attitude toward Me; so much so, that she forms My food, and I hers. On the other hand, even if the soul did great, holy and good things, since it is not Virtue that came out of Me, it cannot be an enjoyable food for Me, because I do not recognize it as a work of My Will."

Divine Will for every day of the year - March 17, 1921 Volume 12

I was saying to my sweet Jesus: "I don’t know — the more You say You give to me by means of Your Holy Volition, the more wretched and ugly I feel. I should feel better — more good; instead, it is all the opposite.”

And Jesus told me: "My daughter, the more the grain of My Will grows in you, the more you will feel the misery of your straw. In fact, when the ear begins to form, grain and straw are one single thing; but when the life of the ear keeps forming, as the grain matures, the straw is detached from it, and remains only as defense of the grain. Therefore, the more wretched you feel, the more the grain of My Will keeps forming in you, and is close to perfect maturation. The straw within you is nothing other than your weak nature which, living together with the Sanctity and the Nobility of My Will, feels its misery even more."

Then He added: "My beloved, up until now you have done before Me the office which My Humanity had upon earth. Now I want to change your office, giving you another one, more noble, more extensive: I want to give you the office which My Will had within My Humanity. See how much higher and more sublime this is: My Humanity had a beginning — My Will is eternal; My Humanity is circumscribed and limited — My Will has no limits and no boundaries; It is immense. A more noble and distinguished office I could not give you."

On hearing this, I said: “My sweet Jesus, I can find no reason why You want to give me such an office; nor have I done anything to deserve such a great favor.” And Jesus: "The whole reason is My Love, your littleness, your living in My arms like a baby who cares about nothing but her Jesus alone, and the fact that you have never refused Me any sacrifice which I have asked of you. I do not let Myself be impressed by great things, because in the things which appear to be great there is always something human; but by small things — small in appearance, though great in themselves. And then, you yourself should have understood that I was to give you a special mission in My Will. That continuous speaking to you about My Will; that making you understand Its admirable effects, which I have done with no one until now... I behaved with you like a teacher who wants his disciple to become perfect either in medicine, or in history, or in something else: it seems that he cannot speak about anything else; he keeps harping on that point. So I did with you: I assumed the attitude of Teacher of Divine Will, as if I ignored all the rest. After I instructed you well, I manifested to you your mission and how the fulfillment of the ‘Fiat Voluntas Tua’ on earth will begin in you. Courage, My daughter; I see that you are losing heart. Do not fear, you will have all of My Will as your help and support." And while He was saying this, He caressed my head, my face, my heart with His hands, as though confirming what He was saying. Then He disappeared.

Divine Will for every day of the year - March 16, 1927 Volume 21

I was thinking about the Supreme Fiat and the way how this Kingdom may come and be realized; and my beloved Jesus, moving in my interior, told me: “My daughter, as your Jesus was conceived, I tied again the Kingdom of My Divine Will with creatures. It was necessary for It to take absolute dominion in My Humanity, and to have Its life free in all My Acts, to be able to lay Its Kingdom as It wanted within My Humanity. So, everything I did—works, prayers, breathing, heartbeat and sufferings—were bonds and re-tyings between the Kingdom of My Fiat and creatures.

“I represented the New Adam, who not only was to give the remedies in order to save them, but was to redo, to restore, what the old Adam had lost. This is why it was necessary for Me to take on human nature, to be able to enclose in it what the creature had lost and, through Me, give it back again. It was Justice that My Divine Will have a human nature at Its disposal, that would oppose itself in nothing, so as to be able to lay Its Kingdom, once again, in the midst of creatures; more so, since a human nature had taken away from It Its Rights to Reign, and so another one was needed, that would return Its Rights to It.

“Therefore, My coming upon earth was not for Redemption alone; on the contrary, the primary purpose was to form the Kingdom of My Will within My Humanity, in order to give It back to creatures. If it were not so, My coming upon earth would have been an incomplete work, unworthy of a God, as—no less—I would not have been able to restore the work of Creation, the order with which It came out of Our Creative Hands, as Our Will was to reign in everything. …”

Divine Will for every day of the year - March 15, 1912 Volume 11

Continuing in my usual state, I felt a great desire to do the Most Holy Will of Blessed Jesus; and He came and told me: "My daughter, My Will is the Sanctity of Sanctities. The soul who does My Will according to the perfection that I am teaching you — that is, on earth as It is in Heaven — however small, ignorant and ignored, leaves even other Saints behind in spite of their prodigies, the most clamorous conversions and the miracles. Really, in comparison, the souls who do My Will in the way It is in My Third "FIAT" are queens, and it is as if all the others were at their service.

“It seems that the souls who live in My Will do nothing, while they actually do everything, because being in My Will these souls act Divinely, in a hidden and surprising way. They are light which illuminates, wind which purifies, fire which burns, miracles which cause miracles. Those who do miracles are channels; but in these souls resides the power. Therefore, they are the foot of the missionary, the tongue of the preachers, the strength of the weak, the patience of the sick, the regime (of the superiors), the obedience of the subjects, the tolerance of the slandered, the firmness in the dangers, the heroism in the heroes, the courage in the martyrs, the sanctity in the saints, and so on with all the rest. Being in My Will, they concur with all the good that can be both in Heaven and on earth.

“This is why I can surely say that they are My true Hosts — but living Hosts, not dead ones. The accidents that form the host are not full of life, neither do they influence My Life; but the soul who lives in My Divine Will is full of life and, doing My Will, she influences and concurs with all that I do. This is why these consecrated Hosts of My Will are more dear to Me than the very Sacramental Hosts, and if I have reason to exist in the Sacramental Hosts, it is to form the sacramental Hosts of My Will.

“My daughter, I take such delight in My Will that, in simply hearing talk about It, I feel overjoyed and I call the whole of Heaven to make feast. Imagine what will become of those souls who will do It: I find in them all the joys, so I give all the joys to them. Their life is the life of the Blessed. They care about, desire and yearn for two things only: My Will and Love. They need to do very little else, while in fact they do everything. The virtues themselves remain absorbed in My Will and in Love. Therefore, they have nothing to do with them, since My Will contains, possesses and absorbs all; but in a Divine manner — Immense and Endless. This is the life of the Blessed."

Divine Will for every day of the year - March 14, 1926 Volume 19

I continue to dissolve myself in the Holy Divine Will. I would like to embrace everything and everyone, to be able to bring everything to my God as my own things, given to me by Him as gifts, in order to give Him, for each created thing, a little word of love, a ‘thank You’, an ‘I bless You’, an ‘I adore You’. And my always lovable Jesus came out from within my interior, and with His Omnipotent Fiat, He called the whole Creation in order to place It on my lap, to give It to me as a gift; and with tenderness, all of love, He told me: “My daughter, all is yours. For one who must live in My Will, everything which came out of My Will, and which My Will preserves and possesses, must be fully hers by right.

“Now, it was My Omnipotent Fiat that extended the heavens and studded them with stars; My Fiat called the light to life and created the sun, as well as all the other created things; and My Fiat remained inside the Creation as triumphant, dominating and preserving life. Now, one who has won the Divine Will has won the whole Creation, and even God Himself; therefore, by right of justice, she must possess all that My Will possesses. More so, since the Creation is mute for Its Creator; and I made It mute because the one to whom I was to give It and who was to live in My Will, would, herself, have speech in all created things, so that all things made by Me might be speaking, not mute. So, you will be the voice of the heavens; and echoing from one point to another, it will make your word heard, which, resounding through the whole celestial atmosphere, will say: ‘I love, I glorify, I adore my Creator...’. You will be the voice of each star, of the sun, of the wind, of the thunder, of the sea, of plants, of mountains – of everything, repeating continuously: ‘I love, I bless, I glorify, I adore, I thank the One who created us...’. Oh, how beautiful will be the voice of My newborn of My Will - of the little daughter of My Volition — in all things! It will render the whole Creation speaking, and Creation will be more beautiful than if I had given It the use of the word. I love you so much that I want to hear your voice in the sun – loving, adoring, glorifying. I want to hear it in the celestial spheres, in the murmuring of the sea, in the darting of the fish, in the bird that sings and warbles, in the lamb that bleats, the turtledove that moans... I want to hear you everywhere. I would not be content if, in all created things, in which My Will has first place, I did not hear the voice of My little newborn who, rendering the whole Creation speaking, gives Me love for Love, glory and adoration for each thing created by Me. Therefore, My daughter, be attentive; I have given you much, and much do I want. Your mission is great: it is the Life of My Will that must be carried out in you, which embraces everything and possesses everything. …”

Divine Will for every day of the year - March 13, 1922 Volume 14

As I was in my usual state, I found myself in the midst of a flowery valley in which I found my late Confessor, who died on the tenth of the current month [her third Confessor, Don Gennaro di Gennaro]. According to his habit when he lived down here, he told me: "Tell me, what did Jesus say to you?" And I: “He spoke to me in my interior, He did not tell me anything with words; and you know that I don’t take into account the things which I hear in my interior.” And he: "I want to hear also what He told you in your interior." And I, as though forced: “He told me: ‘My daughter, I carry you in My arms. My arms will serve you as a little boat to make you sail in the interminable sea of My Will. Then, as you do your acts in My Volition, you will form the sails, the mast, the anchor, which will serve not only as ornament to the little boat, but to make it move faster. The love I have for one who lives in My Will is so great that I carry her in My arms without ever leaving her.’ And while He was saying this, I saw the arms of Jesus in a shape of a little boat, and myself in the middle of it.”

On hearing this, the Confessor told me: "You must know that when Jesus speaks to you and manifests His Truths to you, rays of Light drop upon you. Back then, when you manifested them to me, not having His Virtue, you manifested them drop by drop, and yet my soul remained all filled with those drops of Light. That Light gave me greater spur, more desire to hear more Truths, to be able to receive more Light, because the Truths bring Celestial Fragrance and Divine Sensation — and this, by just hearing them. What will it be for those who practice them? This is why I loved — I desired so much to hear what Jesus told you, and I wanted to tell others: it was Light and Fragrance that I felt, and I wanted others to share in them. If you knew the great Good that my soul has received in hearing the Truths which Jesus was saying to you! How it still drips with Light, and emanates Celestial Fragrance, which not only gives me refreshment, but serves as Light to me and to those who are near me. And as you do your acts in the Divine Volition, I take special part in them, because I feel the seed of His Most Holy Will which you were sowing in me."

And I: “Let me see your soul — how does it drip with Light?” He opened himself on the side of the heart, and I saw his soul all dripping with Light. Those drops were merging and separating; one flowing over the other — it was beautiful to look at. And he: "Have you seen? How beautiful it is to hear the Truths! Those who do not hear them drip with such darkness as to be terrifying."

Divine Will for every day of the year - March 12, 1910 Volume 9

As I was in my usual state, blessed Jesus came just in passing and told me: "My daughter, My Will perfects love; It modifies it, It shrinks it, and It expands it into something holier and more perfect. Sometimes love would want to run away and devour everything; but My Will masters love and says: ‘Slow down, don’t run away, because by running away you can hurt yourself, and by wanting to devour everything you can be mistaken.’ Love is pure insofar as it is conformed to My Will; they walk together, and they kiss each other continuously with the kiss of peace. Other times, either because of an interior state or because in its escapes it has not succeeded as it wanted, love would want to constrain Me and almost sit down sluggishly; so My Will spurs it on and says to it: ‘Come on, true lovers are not lazy — they don’t remain idle.’ When it is enclosed in My Will — only then is love safe. So, love makes one appreciate and desire something, and it is taken by follies and by excesses; while My Will tempers and calms love itself, and nourishes the loving soul with a food more solid and Divine. Therefore, in love there can be many imperfections, even in holy things, while in My Will – never; everything is perfect.

“My daughter, this happens especially in loving souls who have received the grace of My visits, of My kisses and caresses: they remain prey to love when I deprive them of Myself; love takes possession of them and renders them panting, fidgety, delirious, mad, restless, impatient. So, if it wasn’t for My Will that nourishes them, calms them, strengthens them, love would kill them. Though love is nothing but the firstborn child of My Will, it needs always to be corrected by My Will; and I love it as much as I love Myself."

Divine Will for every day of the year - March 11, 1928 Volume 23

… After this, I was following my Divine Fiat, doing my round in It; and as I arrived at the home of Nazareth in which my lovable Jesus had conducted His Hidden Life, in order to follow His Acts, I was saying to Him: “My Love, there is no Act You do in which my ‘I love You’ does not follow You, to ask You, by means of Your Acts, for the Kingdom of Your Will. My ‘I love You’ follows You everywhere—in the steps You take, in the words You speak, in the wood You hammer; and while You hammer the wood, may You hammer the human will, that it may be undone, and Your Divine Will may rise again in the midst of creatures.

“My ‘I love You’ flows in the water You drink, in the food You take, in the air You breathe, in the rivers of love that pass between You and Your Mama and Saint Joseph, in the prayers You do, in Your ardent heartbeat, in the sleep You take. Oh! how I wish to be near You, to whisper to Your ear: ‘I love You, I love You.... O please! let Your Kingdom come.’”

Now, while I would have wanted my “I love You” to form a circle around all the Acts of Jesus, He moved in my interior and told me: “My daughter, all of My Hidden Life, and such a long one, was nothing other than the recall of the Kingdom of My Divine Will upon earth. I wanted to redo within Myself all the acts that creatures were to do in It, to then hold them out to them; and I wanted to do this together with My Mama, I wanted Her always together with Me in My Hidden Life, in order to form this Kingdom. Two people had destroyed this Kingdom of My Divine Fiat, Adam and Eve; and two more, Myself and the height of the Sovereign Queen, were to redo It.

“So, first I took care of the Kingdom of My Divine Will, because the human will had been the first to offend Mine by withdrawing from It; all other offenses came in the second degree, as the consequence of the first act. It is the human will that is the life or the death of the creature, her happiness or her tyranny and misfortune into which she hurls herself; her good angel that leads her to Heaven, or the one who, transforming into a demon, hurls her into hell. All evil is in the will, as well as all good, because the will is like the fount of life placed in the creature, that can spring joys, happiness, sanctity, peace, virtue, or spurts from itself little fountains of troubles, of miseries, of sins, of wars, that destroy all goods.

“Therefore, first I took care of the Kingdom of My Will in this Hidden Life, for as long as thirty years; and then, with My short Public Life, just three years, I took care of Redemption. And while in forming the Kingdom of My Divine Fiat, I had the Celestial Mama always near Me, in My Public Life I did without Her presence, at least corporally, because for the Kingdom of My Fiat I constituted Myself King, and the Virgin, Queen, in order to be, I first, and then She, the foundation of the Kingdom that had been destroyed by the human will.

“See, then, how the Kingdom of My Divine Will, by necessity, by reason, and as a result, was formed with My coming upon earth in the first order; nor could I have formed the Redemption had I not satisfied My Celestial Father for the first offensive act that the creature had done against Him. Therefore, the Kingdom of My Will is formed, there is nothing left but to make It known; and this is why I do nothing but follow with you, and hold out to you, My Acts that I did in order to form It, accompanying your acts so that the foundation of Mine may flow in them. I am on guard so that your will may have no life, and so that Mine may be free. In sum, I am acting as with a second mother of Mine, recalling all the acts done together with the Virgin, in order to deposit them in you. Therefore, be attentive to follow My Will in everything.”

May everything be for the glory of God and for the fulfillment of His Most Holy Will.

Divine Will for every day of the year - March 10, 1935 Volume 33

… So I continued to think about the Supreme Fiat, and thousands of thoughts crowded in my mind, and my Lovable Jesus added: “My daughter, the creature was Created by Us all in order to Us, therefore it is her Sacrosanct Duty that in every act that she does, to call He who has Created her in order to give Him the Dominion and Royal Place in her act that by Right belongs to Him, and so that the act of the creature would receive the honor that in her act she possesses a Strength, a Light, a Divine Act. It is Our Will that she must be completely filled with the Divine Being, and if she does not do this, she denies to Us one of Our Rights, she places Us outside of her acts, and her acts remain human acts, emptied of Divine Strength and Light, with a darkness so dense, that her intelligence sees so many black shadows, that gropingly she makes some step—just suffering for who can turn on the light and does not turn it on, for who can call the Strength and does not call it, and who while she makes use of the Act and of the Conservative and Acting Work of God, she places it outside of her act.

“Now it is Our Decree that no one enters into Heaven if her soul is not filled, even to the brim, completely with Our Will and with Our Love; a little void of this is enough that Heaven does not open for her. This is the reason for the necessity of Purgatory, in order to empty herself by way of sufferings and fire of everything that is human, and filling herself by ways of anxieties, of longings, of martyrdoms, of Pure Love and of Divine Will, in order to be able to enter into the Celestial Fatherland—and without acquiring with so many sufferings either merit, or greater glory, but only for the conditions that are needed in order to be admitted to the Celestial Sojourn.

“On the other hand, if they would have done it on earth by calling Our Life in their acts, every act would be one greater Glory, one additional Beauty, Sealed by the Works of her Creator. O! with how much Love are these souls received, who in their acts have given a place to the Divine Act. In meeting with Us, We recognize Ourselves in her, and she recognizes herself in Us, and recognizing each other, such and so much is the Happiness of both, that the whole of Heaven remains surprised in seeing the Joys, the Glory, the Beatitudes that the Supreme Being pours over this fortunate creature. Therefore I want you always in My Will and in My Love, so that Love burns what does not belong to Me, and My Will with Its paintbrush of Light forms Our Act in your act.”

Divine Will for every day of the year - March 9, 1908 Volume 8

Continuing in my usual state, blessed Jesus came for just a little, and He seemed to draw near me, letting me hear the beats of His Heart – but so very strongly; and many other little heartbeats palpitated in His heartbeat. He told me: "My daughter, this is the state in which My Heart found Itself in the Act of My Passion. All human lives palpitated in My Heart, which, with their sins, were all in the attitude of giving Me death; and My Heart, in spite of their ingratitude, taken by violence of Love, gave back Life to all. This is why I palpitated so strongly, and in My Heartbeat I enclosed all human heartbeats, making them rise again into heartbeats of Grace, of Love and of Divine Delights." And He disappeared.

In addition to this, having spent a day with many visits, I was feeling tired, and in my interior I was lamenting to Our Lord, saying: "Move creatures away from me; I feel very oppressed – I don’t know what they find or want from me. Have pity on the violence I do myself continuously, to be with You in my interior and with creatures externally.” At that moment, the Queen Mama came, and raising her right hand, pointing to my interior, in which there seemed to be lovable Jesus, told me: "My beloved daughter, do not oppress yourself, creatures run to where there is a treasure. And since in you there is the treasure of sufferings, in which my sweet Son is enclosed, they come to you. You, however, while dealing with them — do not get distracted from your treasure, making each one love the treasure you contain within you, which is the cross and my Son. In this way, you will send them back all enriched."

Divine Will for every day of the year - March 8, 1928 Volume 23

I continued to remain all abandoned in the Holy Divine Volition, following Its innumerable Acts as much as I could, since their multiplicity is such that many times I can neither follow them nor count them all, and I have to content myself with watching them, but not embracing them. Its activity surpasses the human attitude in an incredible way, and therefore it is not given to my littleness to do everything, but to do as much as I can, and never to go out from within the works of the Divine Fiat.

So, while my mind wandered within the works of the Divine Volition, my sweet Jesus, moving in my interior, told me: “My daughter, Our Paternal Goodness created man to keep him on Our Paternal knees, for Us to enjoy him continuously, and for him to enjoy himself perennially with his Creator. And so that his enjoyments and Ours might be stable, We kept him on Our Paternal knees; and since Our Will was to be his also, It brought the Echo of all Our Acts into man’s inmost being, whom We loved as Our child. And Our child, in hearing Our Echo, acted as the repeater of the Acts of his Creator. What contentments did not form between him and Us, as this Creating Echo of Ours resounded in Our child’s inmost heart, forming in him the order of Our Acts, the harmony of Our Joys and Happinesses, the image of Our Sanctity. What happy times for him and for Us.

“But do you know who snatched this child so loved by Us from Our Paternal knees? The human will. It took him so far away from Us, that he lost Our Creating Echo, and no longer knew anything of what his Creator was doing; and We lost the happiness of seeing Our child happy and amusing himself on Our Paternal knees, because the echo of his will took over in him, that embittered him, tyrannized him with passions, the most degrading ones, such as to render him so unhappy as to arouse pity.

“This is precisely what it means to live in Our Will—to live on Our Paternal knees, under Our Care, at Our Expenses, in the opulence of Our Riches, Joys and Happinesses. If you knew the contentment We feel in seeing the creature living on Our knees, all attentive on hearing the Echo of Our Word, the echo of Our Works, the Echo of Our Steps, the Echo of Our Love, to act as the repeater of them, you would be more attentive, so that nothing might escape you of Our Echo, to give Us the contentment of seeing your littleness acting as the repeater of the Acts of your Creator.”

On hearing this, I said to Him: “My Love, if one must live in Your Will by living on Your Paternal knees, one should not do anything—neither operate, nor walk; otherwise, how can one remain on Your knees?”

And Jesus: “No, no, one can do anything; Our Immensity is such that she will find Our Paternal knees everywhere, ever ready for her acts, willing to hold her everywhere, clasped to Our Divine knees; more so, since what she does is nothing other than the echo of what We do.”

Divine Will for every day of the year - March 7, 1902 Volume 4

As I was in my usual state, I saw my loving Jesus for just a little, and He told me: "My daughter, when I draw the soul before My Presence, she receives the good of acquiring and copying within herself the ways of Divine Operating, in such a way that, as she later deals with creatures, they feel within themselves the strength of the Divine Operating which this soul possesses."

After this, I felt a fear about whether the things I do in my interior were pleasing to the Lord or not; and He added: "Why do you fear when your life is grafted with Mine? Besides, everything you do in your interior has been infused by Me, and many times I Myself have done it together with you, suggesting to you how to do it, and the way it would be pleasing to Me. Other times I have called the Angels and, united together, they have done what you were doing in your interior. This means that I am pleased with what you do, and that I Myself have taught it to you; therefore, continue and do not fear." So I was reassured.

Divine Will for every day of the year - March 6, 1926 Volume 19

As I was in my usual state, my always lovable Jesus came, and holding my hand in His, He drew me to Himself — up high, between Heaven and earth. Almost fearing, I clung to Jesus, holding on tightly to His most holy hand; and wanting to pour out my pain with Him, which so much oppresses me, I said to Him: “My Love and my Life, Jesus, some time ago You told me that You wanted to make of me a copy of my Celestial Mama; yet, almost nothing was known about Her, of the many seas of grace with which, in every instant, She was inundated by You. She said nothing to no one – She kept everything within Herself; nor does the Gospel say anything. It is known only that She was your Mama, and that She gave You, Eternal Word, to the world; but everything that passed between You and Her – the favors, the graces – She kept all within Herself. With me, then, You want the opposite – You want me to manifest what You tell me; You do not want the secret of what passes between You and me. I feel sorrow because of this; where, then, is the copy You want to make between me and my Mama?”

And my sweet Jesus, clasping me tightly to His Heart, all tenderness told me: “My daughter, courage, do not fear. Nothing was known about My Mama but that which it was necessary and sufficient to be known – that I was Her Son; that through Her I came to redeem the generations, and that She was the first one in whose soul I had my first field of Divine Actions. Everything else – the favors and the seas of graces which She received – remained in the sacrarium of the Divine Secrets. However, the most important, the greatest, the holiest thing was indeed known – that the Son of God was Her Son. This was the greatest honor for Her, which raised Her above all creatures. Therefore, since the greatest was known about my Mama, the lesser was not necessary.

“The same will happen with My daughter: it will be known only that My Will had Its first field of Divine Action in your soul, as well as everything that is necessary in order to make known what regards My Will; how It wants to enter the field so that the creature may return to her origin, and how It anxiously awaits her into Its arms, so that there may be no more division between her and Me. If this were not made known, how could creatures long for this great good? How could they dispose themselves to receive a Grace so great? If My Mama had not wanted to make known that I was the Eternal Word and Her Son, what good would Redemption have produced? A good which is not known, as great as it may be, has no ways to communicate the good it possesses. And just as My Mama was not opposed, so must My daughter not oppose what regards My Will. All the rest of the secrets — the flights you do in My Will, the goods you take, and the most intimate things between you and Me – will remain in the sacrarium of the Divine Secrets. Do not fear, your Jesus will content you in everything.”